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This want ad for a roommate was posted on the San Francisco Craigslist last week. Very creative, and a good way to weed out the losers that dont play wow.


"Take two wacky Asian boys, one crazy white girl, the world's biggest MMO and a SOMA apartment for rent and what have you got? Why, World of Housecraft of course!


This ad looking for a roommate surfaced on Craig's List a few days ago and has been subsequently taken down, but thanks to Digg and mirror sites, the image was saved for posterity. Not only is it possibly the nerdiest apartment ad ever, but also the most creative. Someone obviously spent a lot of time creating this image to entice a fellow Warcrafter into their home for fun and geeky times gathered around the glowing warmness of the computer screen's warming glow.


Why the ad was pulled is unknown. Perhaps it was a copyright issue or maybe they just found the perfect person to fill their little house with the geek love it so sorely needs and deserves."



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You can tell the chick in the middle is the hard corps gamer by the dark rings under her eyes, which were obviously brought about by back to back day-long WOW binges, kept alive only by numerous cans of Jolt Cola and a strong urge to hit 70 before her newb roomates.

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I just started laughing so hard I almost fell out my my chair (I'm easily amused...)


My boss looked at me, sighed, shook his head, and went into his office...


Whichg promptly made me laugh even more :-P

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'Journey to All-Star Dinner; face the mighty orcs of Sixth Street'


Lol! It's so true! They live near Crack-head central; Rent isn't bad though =P

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Lol! It's so true!  They live near Crack-head central; Rent isn't bad though  =P


$738 a month with 3 roommates isnt much? That's like $3k a month apartment 0_o

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$738 a month with 3 roommates isnt much? That's like $3k a month apartment  0_o


Welcome to San Francisco. Home of the working poor. sad.gif

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