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Couple new pictures of me


Myself and Myndranius



Me and Raziqel <Aeturnum> or now known as Adi <Rage>



Me, Jizzer, and some other people



Couple other photos of yours truly





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I had no idea you knew raz... I had no idea you were in aeternum either. LOL


I need to give that nub a call.

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haha i still remember the picture you first posted, you look a lot different. you look pretty fit too.

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Ben doesn't flirt with his own class (some rule he set for himself) he likes to be flirted with though so, Bentley, flirt with Ben.

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yea so ayumi ill have my license soon guess what that means?


Ill be able to say to u...

"I've got candy" haha

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Ben doesn't flirt with his own class (some rule he set for himself) he likes to be flirted with though so, Bentley, flirt with Ben.


But I'm a priest too...


Maybe Bentley just isn't worth flirting with OH SNAP


yea so ayumi ill have my license soon guess what that means?  


Ill be able to say to u...  

"I've got candy" haha


License eh? That means you're too old now. Get out of my van. Time to move on to greener pastures.


arty... send me an asian chick.. ASAP


No, that costs too much shipping. Come up to Canadia and I'll let you bring one home. Our beer is stronger and therefore our chicks are hotter.

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lol stronger beer does usually mean more attractive females... if not more attractive, still they are more suseptable to my trickery wink.gif

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