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And for those with a taste for folk/medieval/traditional music:


1.) Corvus Corax

2.) Planxty

3.) Emmylou Harris (Wrecking Ball & Red Dirt Girl)

4.) Old Blind Dogs

5.) Garmarna

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Felz0r's top five at the moment...


1) The Decemberists

2) Lucero

3) Soltero (no relation)

4) Fifteen

5) Hot Water Music


(these are all sprinkled with a little Smoke or Fire, Alkaline Trio, and Amazing [Royal] Crowns)

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Franz Ferdinand-Awesome band with catchy tunes

Linkin Park- another awesome rock band

My chemical Romance- Great debut CD

Motley Crue-this explains itself

Guns and Roses-same as above

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In other news:




ONLY the album "Living in Darkness"


Surf Rock percussion guitar meets the emerging early 80's so-cal punk scene to create the only legitimate surf punk band ever. Though to be fair, they only got it right on one album, "Living in Darkness."


Obligatory "Miserlou" cover? CHECK

Inclusion of their classic "Blood Stains"? CHECK

Mounds of pessimism and creativity? CHECK


One of my all time favorite albums.... no fugging kidding.





They have two albums, Good Health, and The New Romance. I soundly reccomend The New Romance. Good Health is good, but The New Romance is jaw dropping. Dark themes dealing with mental health and mental health treatments, lonlieness, and paranoia. Fronted with an amazing female vocalist, and backed up by an inventive band. William Borroughs and/or Morrissey would be proud to be alluded to in this bands name.


hehe, that's all for now.

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Yes! I got at least one more person caught on the Decemberists.

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Damn...at least I have a brother in arms


I try to introduce people to them and they're like "but they don't sound like the new Coldplay album" *forehead smack*

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