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Remember not to trash the old resist gear you get until you get new stuff. Sure, its lvl 60 resist gear, but resists are resists, no matter what level you are.


You know blizz will put in some more resist fights. It already looks like another fire one is coming per the Aldor craftable plans, and one arcane because of the scryer plans.


There are lots of cool resist things that drop in the world. Like I saw gryph get a 22 stam 22 NR shoulder, and can just replace what he had with that now.


Just remember to look to see if them greens are any good in the resist department before you vendor it. =)

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I've been using my Fire Res gear and Fire Pet on the last boss in the BF and it makes all the difference.


Edit:... heh.. meant the Ramparts

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i kept like the 20+ NR and FR the other stuff i vendored and dusted

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LOL You know I think I may never dust Trans since it was my first full set.


But I have not dusted anything except for that belt you all talked me into getting for Raz >.< I might have dusted one other thing but all my FR is in the bank and that was really all I had build up. I might have dusted my Ony ring with fr... I might have to spec shadow and go solo her at 70 to get it again. In fact strike that... I dusted the mana per necklace from firemaw so yeah.... I am good on resist gear.

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