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Premise- 200+ micro games, you have 5 seconds to figure out what to do, and to do it. They will tell you how to hold the controller, and give you a key would like "wash" and you have to figure out what the hell crazy thing you need to do .


Graphics- They range from crap, to not bad, though the point of this game is not the graphics in any way shap or form.


Controls- Very simple, they tell you exactly how to hold the controller... they just never tell you what to do with it exactly.


Gameplay- Loads of fun, some of the games are so goofy that evening after doing them/seeing other people play them you cant help but laugh. Its a crazy fun game that has you doing all sorts of stuff. There are 20 different ways you have to hold the Form Baton (Wii remote) for the games, granted you could hold it the same way for alot fo them, but thats not nearly as fun.


Final say - My biggest complaint is that the multiplayer doesnt have everyone playing at the same time, you pass the controller. Though this doesnt stop it from being alot of fun. The Dart game is very good reprensatation.


This will probably be the best drinking game ever in my opinoin. Iam looking forward to playing this drunk so badly, haha. I would have paid $70 for this game if it came out at that price. I'd easily give it a 9/10.

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You are misunderstanding it, you don't necessarily play it drunk as much as laugh at the drunk people that are playing it.

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Wario Ware for the Wii rules. The only game that's better for a rowdy group of drunks is excite truck (with slayer and rites of spring playing instead of the default audio haha)

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