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I sure do...


I see horde complaining on SC forums about getting ganked and I wondered if you had any good BC ganking stories?


yesterday right as I put the finishing blow on the High Warlord in Zeth'Gor a rogue ganked me. I didn't even get a chance to loot the corpse. When I came back in (stealthing of course), the NPC had respawned and the rogue was killing him. Appearently he had the same quest. I happily returned the favor. I followed the rogue to his next quest and ganked him again. Track Humanoid ftw.

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In my opinion it's not ganking if you are within 2-3 levels of each other.


The night BC launched I was questing in Zeth'gor getting all those g'damn corrupted badges and I saw a mage running to a safe spot to med after killing some mobs. I couldn't help it, I charged him and execute critted him. He dropped like a $2 whore.


Aside from him I've only killed one other horde in Outland...it was a warrior in shit gear who thought he could drop me on the honor road at the base of Hellfire Citadel. I had the Hellreaver equipped and once I realized he was trying to kill me I pulled out the TF and AotBG and WTFPWNED his ass.


On the other side of the coin, yesterday I was at the expedition armory and a E B priest MC'd me and buffed me. It was cool. I also helped a mage at the Pool of Aggomar kill a big mob and it did a good bit of damage to me. The mage poly'd me and I healed up almost instantly. He hit me once with his wand to bring me out of it when I hit full health.


I've been of the attitude that most people, horde or alliance, just want to get their quests done. They've helped me kill mobs and I've helped them. I did have a rogue blind me while I was trying to loot a piece of the goblin zeppelin but he ran off.

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I gank, but it's really situational. If quest mobs are being farmed and everyone is fighting for pulls, I will kill horde and take the mob.


But basically....if I see horde in the middle of nowhere, I kill em. PVP server after all biggrin.gif

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one day as i was bored i looked up the actual definition of "gank"




"to initiate battle or otherwise hostile actions with an opposing player in which the battle conditions are favourable to you."


so "gank" is when ur at 99% and ur dueling a fellow FP member, technically of course 8)


personally i dont attack horde unless they hit me first... if they do try to hit me though.. i crush them with no mercy, then procede to camp them to remind them how rigged warlocks are.


im more interested in lvling atm and starting a war will greatly slow the process, something im not eager to do.

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Depends for me to... if the player looks threatening to me I will KOS. But more often then not atm since I am more concerned with leveling if they are questing I might take the time to help them out so they move on and leave the area for me.

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If a horde comes in tags a mob I am casting on (Slow casting ftl) I will be patient and wait till he goes to the next mob and obliterate him.


If a horde attacks me I kill him.


If 7 horde gank me I accept that they would all die 1 v 1. smile.gif

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A buddy and I spent about 45 min this morning ganking every horde we could find that wasn't in a group of 3 or more. It was shocking to see how many horde would watch another one die and not do a single thing to help.


It was good fun though. I can only run by peacefully for so long.


"I couldn't help it, I charged him and execute critted him. He dropped like a $2 whore."


I lol'ed at that. smile.gif

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last night around 3 am me and a 61 tauren shammy went head to head 3 times, duel style lol

i pounded him into the ground everytime and a couple minutes later i get a whisper from a lvl 1 NE war saying "i hate you"

it was the shammy lol, we talked about pvp for an hour afterwards smile.gif

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Will destroy horde if they give me an excuse to do so and most of the time I am looking for a reason to destroy horde.


If they hit me. If they steal my mob. If they are in a pvp ground. If they hit one of the people around me. If they skip the line when camping a named mob.

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To be honest, the horde have been acting better than the alliance have been in outland (except around the pvp towers). Heck, let me gank them instead of the horde.


That idiot mage from LAWL would have been taking a dirt nap last night if I could have attacked them.

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I actually have a good story from last night.


Started off on my mining route, knew off the bat it was gonna be an odd one, when a shadow priest runs up to me, starts DoTing me. I turn /bored /shoo and he leaves.


Then half way through I found myself in the SE corner of Zangermarsh. I see 2 rogues and a druid killing some mobs and pay no attention and hit up the deposit close by. Well they all stealth and attack me. I don't feel like fighting so I continue to mine as they are attacking. For some reason i wasn't really getting interrupted. I die and run back. Rez, pop Perception and sure enough they are stealthed right there. I finish the vein off and start to fight the same 3, with me at half health. Druid goes down faster than a playboy bunny on hugh hefner, i dont even know how he died so fast. Then the two rogues begin to stun lock me. In about 3sec I get off 3k+ worth of damage on one rogue while the other finishes me off.


So I run back and rez. Obviously they were camping and I was still trying to mine, so i make my sneaky escape. They give chase.


Well, I dont see them as I approach the next vein so I start to mine. They jump me again. This time however... Joe doesn't feel liek playing passive, in fact, Joe is pissed. With a simple WW, Cleave combo i drop 2500+ on both targets and finish one off with a MS and the other with Victory Rush. Waiting for the third... he never showed.


So a little ways down the road and a few deposits later, I see them ahead of me. I finish off a deposit as they see me again and turn to fight. I make them chase me for a few min till I find my next deposit. Bingo, deposit... fight time. The rogue goes for the stun lock but cant seem to out DPS my Second wind. The druid is healing like a madman against my MS's and I'm laughing like a little girl. Well, a short distance away I see another horde running towards us, so I decide to stop playing around. Drop a HS\MS combo on the druid, then WW them both to death.


I look around for the other horde that was running my direction. See him standing on a hill very close by. I turn to face him and take a few steps. He steps back and /scared /coware.


At this point, I needed a change of pants I'm laughing so hard. I didn't see them the rest of the night.


But for the most, I mind my business and the Horde leave me alone. I even had some guys from Invictus Mortem helping with quests.

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I haven't, but solely for the reason that they haven't to me. The horde that have kept the same pace as me don't seem to bother anyone. They know you just want to quest too and they leave it at that. Hell, a number of them have helped me and I've helped a lot of horde killing things. I've heard that isn't the case in Hellfire/Zangar now, though. That sucks.


I challanged a Rage warrior that was my level on Saturday. He stopped and fought me. Was fun, I kicked his ass of course, but it was nice to finally kill a horde in BC. I can only think 1 that actually ganked. I found him AFK'd behind a building an hour later and got him back.

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I was fighting two mobs and this shaman who is 1 level higher than me runs around the tree. I drop both my targets and the shamans hands are electrified and he is casting. I target him and low and behold he has me targetted. Then he stops casting and turns around and thinks he is going to run away.


long story short. The Shaman dies.

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Sunday morning I got up good an early to beat the lag and kill steeling and decided to get a few more Marks of Honor Holds (after taking what can only be described as a 3 hour nap).


I am all set to cap my 3rd tower for the repeatable quest to cap the three towers in Hellfire peninsula (the bar was in the gray) when I see something off in the distance, it's a flying mount coming straight for me. So the hunter lands, I fear, dot, hit all trinkets, Mindblast, smite PWD kill him. I am so proud of my self for killing a lvl 70 hunter when I was lvl 63. I complete the cap and go back to do it one more time. On my way back to the towers I was met by my flying hunter friend and two others on flying mounts. They proceeded to follow me around the zone, killing me at least a half dozen times until I assembled a group of 7 or 8 lvl 62s to help defend the zone from their reign of evil.


Ah wow at 6:30 AM on a Sunday is so fun. (actually it was the most fun I have had to date in the game.) After we figured out that you get honor marks from killing we moved the fights into the towers. Tons of horde and alliance showed up. In little under an hour I collected 65 Honor tokens and got my new uber wand and trinket of awesomeness from the Honor Mark turn in dude in the swamps.


I think ganking is fine, it happens. Nothing pisses me off more than when an alliance steels some mob I was camping for a quest. At least if a horde tries he either has to kill me 1st or I get to kill him and my mob.

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