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Someone already hit 70


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His guild helped though...


(Will have a link when wof.net decides to load.)




Read the article...basically he had 39 other people killing mobs that he tagged.


he first level 70 dinged at 4:04 am (CET) on Januar 17, 2007.


Time played from 60 to 70: 28 hours




Player name: Gullerbone


Character name: Gawell


Class: Mage


Server: Archimonde (EU - PvP)


French Guild: Millenium





[WoR]Teza: Can you introduce yourself quickly in a few words?


Gullerbone: I am french and 24 years old, a member of Millenium (french guild) since 1-2 months and I was the one playing the mage called Gawell for this exp rush, eventually I will reroll shaman to complete my PvP arena team.



[WoR]Teza: Whats your played time from 60 to 70? Which zone were you in when you reached lvl 70?


Gullerbone: It took me 28 hours to get from 60 to 70, and dinged 70 at 4:04 am (CET) on Januar 17. I was in Netherstorm (subzone: Mana forge) when i reached lvl 70.



[WoR]Teza: What was your preparation? How did you make it in such a short time?


Gullerbone: Cau (the 1st european lvl 60) and I planned the exp route step by steps, trying everything to make sure it was the most approriate, the groups organization with the guild Millenium and their members. Each member rotated using a definite order to help me to grind on mobs, mostly with AE, surrounded with several guildmates healers, tanks, pullers etc...


[WoR]Teza: How many people were involved in your leveling project?


Gullerbone: All 40 members were involved; Milleniums member were assigned to specific tasks and planning inorder to keep me leveling and the maximum rate.



[WoR]Teza: Was it 10-20 or more people killing mobs after you tagged them?


Gullerbone: Well at first we had be only 5 (during the first 10 hours or so) so that 10 of the members could get lvl 62. then in the morning we were 15 inorder to kill the mobs at a faster rate. Finally in the evening, everyone was involved and we could gather a 35 man raid to help me in netherstorm with our newly lvl 62 doing most of the job.



[WoR]Teza: Right, were you the only one playing Gawell from 60 to 70 for the whole duration 28 hours?


Gullerbone: I sure did, I slept form 2 to 10pm on monday (waked up 2 hours before TBC launch),so the physical preparation was a part of the plan.



[WoR]Teza: Fine, any last words?


Gullerbone: It has been a pleasure to do this with Millenium, I hope we come across other similar challenges in the futur, I am very gratefull to every Millenium members.



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LOL! Sometimes I wonder what the point of the game is. Is it to ding ZOMG 70 ... an then wait because you can't find a group to do instances at your level? OR is it to just kinda quest and do stuff and let the levels happen. . . .

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It's a homegenous blend of all of the above. We each put our own definitions on the gaming style we play. I'm sure the preparation and drive toward 70 was much like the grind to GM for some. There certainly had to be exhilaration in the process that led them to the accomplishment. Personally, I sit toward closer to the other end of the spectrum when it comes to playing the game.

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i am the one playing the mage called klaudia!!!!!!!!!


crazy, im sure it was just to see if they could do it, not necessarily to be 70. must be surprising to walk by a lvl 70 player tho =p

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