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AM i the only one having these problems since the latest patch? Random critical games errors. Cant even log into the game now and stuf in an endless loop of updating and downloading patches. Once it finishes Blam same crap. I spent from 9 pm game time till 2 am trying to get it to work. What a very frustrating thing. Cause i dont wnat to swear in the forums.


ANy ideas ? as per usual i have checked blizzard forums and the blues dont respond to anyone who has similiar problems.

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If Blizz responds on the tech forums on the weekend it usually means they are checking from home or are trying to figure out how to fix it before posting .

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I dont know what happen , but it take for wow doing the **downloading update** I'm at 52% after 30 mins . sad.gif

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Well, it looks like I won't be getting my GM Xbow... First, Eye of the Storm weekend, and now this. I hope Blizzard falls in a volcano.

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<3 FP


I seem to be the early bird of Axiom, so theres nothing on our forums related to this. I came here for help!


Anyone else getting this error? I think it's because they canceled the patch and the game wants to run at 2.05, and my game isn't updated.


"Unable to validate game version. This may be caused by file corruption or the interference of another program. Please visit www.blizzard.com/support/wow/ for more information and possible solutions to this issue."



EDIT!: OH OH! New updates from blizzard's side regarding the issue.


"The 2.0.5 client-side patch has caused issues with our authentication system. These issues can cause players to be suddenly disconnected from the game, as well as prevent them from logging in to the game. We are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible and will provide you with updates as soon as they are available."



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I get an error saying "Unable to vaildate game version. This may be caused by file corruption or the interferance of another program. Please visit www.blizzard.com/support/wow for more information and possible solutions to this issue."


That site is down... the best I got was an 101 error.

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