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Resistance: Fall of Man-PS3


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(Well I saw Esteban do a review so I decided I wanted to =P)


"HOLY SHIT" was the first thing that popped to my mind when I played this game to start it off lol.


Graphics: Totally amazing. Best graphics I've seen in a long time for any shoot em up game. Graphics are seriously about the same from the trailer to the game.


Controls: pretty much like the Halo games but a few button variations since it's on PS3. But it's easy to get used to.


Story: Basically a group of aliens have been waiting underground for a bazillion years and then they decide it's time to gank. So they do lol. The U.K. is pretty much the only conutry left. So now you gotta go gank all em aliens!


Gameplay: I'm telling ya this game rivals Halo. It is absolutely amazing! Never get bored for a second with this and I have problems getting bored with games really fast. Different types of aliens constantly appear and you're always shooting at something. Boosses are almost crazy awesome. Weapons are also way sweet.


Let me tell you I haven't gotten too far in this game yet but if you got yourself a PS3, GO GET THIS GAME!!! I have four games for PS3 and this is definitely the best!

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Thanks for the reveiw Underground. I've read some good thigns about this game. I dont have a PS3 so its good to get another consoles games reviewed.

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Lay off the cocaine man. It cant be compared to Halomainly because its a ripoff of Call of Duty / Half Life 2 / and Halo itself (just looking at screenshots and videos it becomes apparent). The game isnt that bad but cmon man...Halo? wtf? What I've played of it was alright but I was actually underwhelmed and some of the debris textures made me want to punch an african baby. Im not really a Sony hater as I have a ps2 and a psp but cmon man Xbox360 > PS3.


Oh and as far as graphics check out Gears of War on an HDTV (atleast 13 times better than Man Falling)....theres no comparison to anything out there....I've had to change my pants 11 times since I got the game. On a side note I actually really missed the rumble feature playing an FPS (PS3 we're so cool we invented 6 axises)....its not something I really thought was important to console shooters until I didnt have it /shrug.

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lol beorn <3

/agree that gears is approx 13x better looking than any console game out now... in fact, I have yet to see a currently available PC game that matches up. I'm sure that will change with DX10, and of course Crysis : O


And as far as R:FoM goes, I want to play it, but not so bad that I would buy a PS3. So far the system has hardly lived up to the hype... Anybody remember Sony claiming ridiculous specs like running games @ 120 fps on 1080p? lolololol gg

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/agree i've heard very good things bout resistance, plot seems pretty neat too imo. unfortunately to me no game is worth buying a ps3 for. unless they make zombies ate my neighbors for it. cause that would kick ass.

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Resistance is a lot of fun... I don't actually like Halo very much so I got nothing to say in that category... and calling an FPS game a rip-off is a moot point... I don't see how it's a rip-off of any other game as far as the differences between FPS's go... you might as well call Halo a rip-off of Goldeneye


Anyway, I didn't get to play it much online.. but from the co-op and split screen it was pretty fun. I generally prefer Battlefield and Team Fortress type stuff, but the mechanics and feel were good and the difference between Chimera and Humans provides an entertaining little twist


While it's not worth buying a console over, if you happen to have a PS3 for one reason or another (it IS the cheapest Blu-ray player out there, if I'm not mistaken), the game is worth getting.

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