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I've played every Zelda (except Majora's Mask) and have loved each one. So I was definately on the edge of my seat for this one.



The game looks beautiful, from the flowing water, to the details in the enemies. I have yet to see the GameCube version so I can compare really, but Vanin says the Wii version looks better. Though since it came out on both systems I cant help but feel they probably didnt push the Wii very hard on graphics, so it could look better.



I feel the Wii controller is perfect for the game. The loss of the shoulder buttons doesnt subtract anything from the game, and the ability to swing the controller for attacks adds a whole new demension to it. There were so many times I found myself standing up moving my body and pretty much really swinging my controller, hehe.



Im not going to bother to much with this, I mean... come on , it's Zelda.


Gameplay- in general

Everything worked really well in the game. These were certainly some of the best dungeons in any Zelda game. And there's tons of items in the game. My only complaint is you dont go back to some of the earlier items as often as you used to, like the gale boomerang, after the dungeon you get it from, I didnt use it again for awhile.


This is almost the best Zelda I've every played, Link to the Past just barely beats it. I'd give this game a 9/10. This game is most definately worth $50.

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Thats the Link to the past one Gynis, hehe. I fully agree, the sheer ease of it , the controls, the graphics, the dungeons were all incredible (for a game, hehe).


P.S. - By ease I dont mean how easy it was, instead how easy it was to pick up and play for 5 minutes and put it down. You could play at the begining and get a good feel for the game, you didnt have to go through 2 hours of begining story just to find a sword to swing. Not that the new Zelda is quite that bad, hehe.

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Zelda for the SNES was the best Zelda Ever. There will never be one as good.


Lol, yeah... it was great. Though I still remember the very first version of Zelda that was released on the NES. When it came out, I must not have put down the controller for a week or two. The magical blue boomerang!!! <3

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Twilight Princess is awesome. I'm totally hooked on it. For the past month WoW has actually stood for the World of What?

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Zelda is fabulous on the wii, although I'm still partial to the original gameboy version (not four swords).

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Does anyone else find it ironic if not funny that this thread is in the real life forum? tongue.gif

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My roommate "broke down" the other day and bought a GC version of this game. We haven't been able to get our hands on a Wii yet. sad.gif It looks pretty awesome, but I'm not going to play it till I get a Wii. I want the experience that Nintendo intended for me to have.


I had a friend in college who told me that he cried every time he played/beat ocarina of time. He was only half kidding I think.


Anyone notice how lonely of a game Zelda is. It is kinda sad...sort of like Metroid games.

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