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A lot of things have come out that I can no longer leave without a word.


School is fast approaching and I will be hit hard with it (7 classes for 15 credit hours).


I had planned to roll Horde on a new server (Blood Elf Paladin, for shame! I know I know). But indeed I have had thoughts of that for a quite a long time now.


I have been distressed, granted I was not the best geared in any shape, form or fasion, I still would of like to participate in somethings that happened. No one goes into a guild geared at all, it takes time. But I was too far behind after what happened with my account.


So, I am getting rid of my account as well, hopefully someone else can deal with all the crap that is goes through, because I no longer can.


Sorry to leave on such short notice. I enjoyed my stay with you guys.


I love Erlin and Trigga.




MrEmo101 if you care to harass me outside of the game sometime.



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Never really got to know you other then saying hi here and there, but allways sad to see some one leave. Happy travels and hope maybe we will see Shenshi again. Much love from the noob mage. smile.gif

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Be sure to roll your pally on Skullcrusher so I can come around from time to time and still help you with quests, man. I promise I will only gank you once or twice...a day.


Lol...just joshin'. But still, stick with the server, I'd be glad to pitch in when I can. smile.gif Good luck in all you do, in WoW and in life!


-Triggahapy and Whitewolf (soon to be replaced...poor puppy. Woof!)

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Sad to see you go Daniel hope you have fun with your classes. Feel free to log on Skullcrusher anytime and chat with us when you get settled down =-D

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Awww DC. =[

Well, fair enough I guess. I'm going to have to eventually make a bloodelf, so tell me where you end up rollin. =]


Bah that sucks though. >_< A week away from making you tank for me 24/7 xD

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15 credits?? You're quitting because of 15 credit hours??? Bad excuse...you should be able to get C's and D's in all your classes while maintaining a 4-5 hour/night playing schedule smile.gif Now...if you want better grades, that's a whole different story.


Good luck with everything and get 'dem A's!!!

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