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I know we all do stupid things and what works for one doesn't always work for another . . . but I thought you'd get a chuckle or two out of this.




The Dumb Table


After one of the dumbest trips through Scholomance I’ve ever taken, I decided to make a list of just how dumb people can be. Some of them are fairly minor newbie mistakes, like walking off an edge, while some are more major like a Priest that prefers to be the damage dealer. These are related to gameplay, so things like kicking the wrong person out of a guild or setting the rule “One blue/purple per day” will be left out. Don’t get me wrong, they are plenty dumb. They just aren’t what I’m going for here, though. For the sake of some of you, the list goes from the least dumb mistakes (1) to things you consciously choose to do (10).



The Dumb Table


Noobie Mistakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Blown Idiot

. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .



Levels 1-2 – Noobie Mistakes

Noobie mistakes generally have little effect on the party, and more of an effect on the person who committed the mistake. Things like using Evasion on accident or having the wrong bar up are common among this group. Sometimes it’s the Hunter that lays the wrong type of ice trap. Example:


* Using Sprint at the start of a PvE fight

* Using Scorpid Sting on a caster mob

* Forgetting to use aggro-reducers



Levels 3-4 – Advanced Noobie mistakes

Advanced Noobie mistakes are easy to tell. This is the guy that uses an AoE attack when something is crowd controlled, or the guy that hits fear instead of fade. They aren’t truly horrendous mistakes, but they can get you killed none the less. Top examples are:


* Hunter backing up into more mobs

* Rogue forgetting they aren’t stealthed

* Someone Polymorphing the main target



Levels 5-6 – Pinhead

This is where things start going from a mistake to intentional. This includes Rogues rolling on 2handed Bind on Pickup items and Paladins casting Blessing of Salvation on the Tank. These can be mistakes, but they are sometimes intentional. It really is a toss-up most of the time on how to judge it. Example:


* Priest throwing Shadow Word: Pain on everything

* Rogue sapping the wrong target

* Trying to solo an elite while your group is fighting something else in an instance



Levels 7-8 – Ignoramous

These guys are pretty dumb. They will do something completely idiotic and probably wipe the whole group. This group holds Hunters that use Distracting Shot on boss mobs and Warlocks that Soulstone themselves instead of the main healer. Sometimes it’s even the Mage that pulls with Pyroblast. It is inevitable that you will meet one of these people, and when you do you will regret it. Example:


* Using Aimed Shot to pull

* Turning on Free For All in a pickup group

* Using Lay on Hands on the Warlock



Levels 9-10 Full Blown Idiot

These guys are the cream of the crap. You will see at least one of these idiots some point in your life. Who knows, maybe you ARE one of them. These are the people that leave groups mid way through an instance after they get what they want and those that don’t follow orders leading to their own death. Example:


* Priests using Shadowform in an instance

* Rolling need on all items including BoP

* Attacking mobs from across a ravine or on a different level



If you feel that the way I grouped the people together is wrong, then too bad. I picked them based on how often I see it, how often it causes death, and just plain how idiotic it was to do. I’m sure a lot of you will look at this list and think “hey I’ve done this before” or at least be able to think of someone who has. And next time you see someone pull something like this, make sure to congratulate them and tell them their idiot rank. Who knows, you may get them to stop playing long enough to let everyone else have some fun. Cruelty can sometimes be the best kindness.

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Ha! That was a fun read lyrin! Now that I am exploring alts of different classes I find myself doing many of those things! ESPECIALLY walking back into more mobs on my hunter. smile.gif

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My favorite has to be when I was on an Baron 45 minute run with mostly FP. It had been a long time since I had been there and we were all rushing since it was the first 45 min run for most of us.


So we get to Baron and are heading down to his room and being the vertren hunter that I am forgot to set my pet to passive from defensive. By time I realized what happened it was way too late and little old Blindspot was trying to tank Baron. Ended up having to run the whole thing again but it's worth it for the story.

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Noobie Mistakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Blown Idiot  

. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .



Levels 9-10 Full Blown Idiot



* Priests using Shadowform in an instance  






LAWL @ Bentley Your mom just called you out.

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Noobie Mistakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Blown Idiot  

. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .



Levels 9-10 Full Blown Idiot



* Priests using Shadowform in an instance  





LOL Bentley got pwnd by his mom

LAWL @ Bentley Your mom just called you out.

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yeah uhmmm where did you find this total piece of garbage article.


WTB new parents PST

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* Using Lay on Hands on the Warlock


The next Pally that does this will not be considered an "ignoramous", but instead a god amungst men.

PSH, I do this all the time. It's my Oh crap that dudes getting his face smashed in by a hordie and I'm oom, ... oh wait a minute!




*Warlock goes on a killing spree*


My work is done here

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You forgot dumbass moves like triggering a boss while buffing...we had it happen last night on Razzorgore. And hunters manage to do it from time to time.


I actually managed to run right under the base of Vael's tail after a wipe and didn't trigger him. My butthole puckered right up at the thought of wiping our raid doing something that stupid.

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OMG... so many times I could reference... I think Gryph put it best.


It isn't a raid until Bentley pulls aggro.

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I've pulled Ebonrock with Mark of the Wild! smile.gif


Alternatively there is always some dumb monkey that buffs during a drake pull in BWL.

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Too true. I am completely honest about the fact that I use my really good gear to make up for my being an extremely inept player. But an inept player with a /gkick button. smile.gif

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I auto ran into Major Domo one night.... like when we were having problems with him... luckily I was the only casualty and didn't end up pulling a Valdez wink.gif

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Running an instance in shadow form is fine as log as you have improved Vamperic Embrace and gear.


Top Two on my list.


When a raid leader that doesn't know what they are doing asks priests to "fade when ever it is up". This usually comes from a hunter or rogue that thinks fade works like Feign Death or vanish.


When ZG 1st came out there was a shaman in the group that never purchased any poison/disease cleansing abilities because he was saving for his epic mount. This is not to be confused with the warlock on Garr that didn't know he had a banish elemental spell.


Oh wait I forgot about the time Tal and I were trying to lead a ZG raid where more than one of the healers didn't know what the "Raid Window" was.

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in your level 7-8 you made a level 1-2 mistake. Never soulstone the mainhealer as they are one of the first people to die. better off soulstoning a pally when one is available.

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My guildleader once pulled Vael with Fire Ward (aka Fire blast)


"But, they look so similar!"


Didn't he try to blame it on a shaman casting lightning shield?

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Fura would use any excuse to pass the buck and then really come down on people with a string of curses in a more than humorous british accent... that would be followed by Jitz saying something stupid, cuz she in fact, is stupid.. wink.gif

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When a raid leader that doesn't know what they are doing asks priests to "fade when ever it is up". This usually comes from a hunter or rogue that thinks fade works like Feign Death or vanish.


Why shouldn't a priest use fade whenever it's up? It's an instant threat-lowering skill, is it not? I know when our priests use it during Vael and Broodlord they drop right off the threatmeter.

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Yeah its better to save it till they pull it. Fade lasts 8 seconds, cooldown is 30.


If they pull aggro after the threat comes back, they're out of luck.


While they're faded, the healing they do doesn't make less threat after fade is done.


Tonight we did Vael and no priest got BA, same with last kill. Other times its only priests. You get people afk in the other room get BA sometimes, its just random. (looks at klaudia)

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You forgot dumbass moves like triggering a boss while buffing...we had it happen last night on Razzorgore.  And hunters manage to do it from time to time.


I actually managed to run right under the base of Vael's tail after a wipe and didn't trigger him.  My butthole puckered right up at the thought of wiping our raid doing something that stupid.


lol I forgot how funny that skit was in your sig link......

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