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Xbox 360!


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Beorn and I have been playing a lot of Gears of War lately, and we would like nothing more than to have some FP playing with us! So, if you have a 360 and a Live subscription, post your gamertag so we can get some good matches going. Even if you don't play Gears, post anyway, we might be able to play some other games!


HV's: Hvizzo

Beorn's: VX TheBear

Hykos's: Hykos1

Coeus: Patriot X

Gryph: Gryphiepoo

Ecthelion: Rage419

Miz: miz the granny

Paigow: geoslayer1

Cotton: gamebeast0

Kibai: Heavenz Devil

Bentley: MrBentley

Prime: infernalscion

Gomaloro: ShadowSlaya1208

Hinanin : Hinanin

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My roommate just bought a 360 this week. got GoW and it looks awesome. Next time his ass stops playing it ill set up a Live account.

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that game looks so incredibly awesome, i have yet to play it though =[

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I HAVE GoW + Xbox 360 + XBOX LIVE!!!


zomg play with me!


gamertag : Miz the granny

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/zomg/ i have everything too !


gametag: geoslayer1


i so need motovation to play this game .. so hit me up

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I have Live, but not a 360 sad.gif My brother and I are thinking of getting one though, and if I do, I will DEFINATELY get Gears Of War. I played it over Kibai's house, and it's pretty good.


Our gamertag is gamebeast0

Kibai's is Heavenz Devil or something like that. Whatever, if he wants to post it he'll post it, lol.

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I have 360... I have GoW (Altho I am not that impressed with it... Guess I wanted more because of Halo)


I don't get on a whole hell of alot right now... but when Halo 3 is released you can count on seeing me.

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Yeah Cotton posted my Gamertag, I might change it today or tommorow though, I'm on every night though smile.gif

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just noticed that my gamertag actually starts with a lower case "m" and not an upper case "M"


I dont think it will matter but if ur having difficulties friending me that may be why.


so gamertag is : miz the granny

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uhhh i tihnk mines like badsk8700o... mi hermano might change it though =/ (<---- plays Halo 2 and call of Duty 2 online)

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my gamertag is Malkoran ...lol I used to be Chodebuster, but as you can see, i had to change the name

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