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Give the gift of ... well, cash

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Well, as another year draws to a close and Hallmark tells us that we need to be in the spirit of giving because Jesus SAID so, I'm taking the opportunity to hit you people up!


Thanks to donations around this time last year, FP had a massive vent server (and extremely popular, too) and quasi-functional forums! And we've pretty much taken the well dry! =D


So, if this year you have a few extra bucks you'd like to throw toward FP for Vent fees, bandwidth charges, my Xanax, then click the Donate button on the main page! It's always appreciated.


Happy Holidays!

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Well I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who doesn't know my parents.... And I'll just tell him to do it so I am free and clear of it.

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*sneaks in and redirects donate button to his paypal account*


Cash is kinda tight right now, but I'll probably be able to make a donation sometime around the 1st of jan.

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Don't worry if you can't donate! It's not a big deal. This is for the high rollers, like Bramas. If you can gift to FP, awesome! If not, don't worry! Just be your awesome self. If you're not awesome, then you should pay, really.

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We should have a Canadian tax for Krotas to pay :twisted:

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Wait I am awesome and I donated....





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Bentley you're not awesome, you should pay, really.


Just thought I would fix it for ya

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I just wanted to say thanks to those who have taken the time to donate! It's much appreciated.


Just so you guys know, vent costs $30 per month, and our web hosting is normally around $15 (plus domain re-registration fees once per year.) That is of course unless Bentley goes on a wild posting spree and our bandwidth shoots up! The point being, every little bit helps, and we've always had very kind members!


Thanks again!

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Hey guys, just a reminder to drop 5 dollars if you can. Canadian, Peruvian, Australian, it doesn't matter.


Last year we received well over 200 dollars from you all to keep this up and running, this year so far we've only received donations from two people.


I know its something that you probably dont think about, but it does cost us money to keep all this up, if you have a dollar or two to spare, please go to the paypal link and give us a few.

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I expect my "thank you gift" next time I see you in Atlanta.







/lick lick lick the nipple

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I'm actually more into fruits and vegetables atm... don't worry though, I have a kickass banana suit you can borrow! Check it out:



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Wewt! Stang's last bump brought two more thoughtful donations, so I figured I'll give it one more whirl. Right now we have enough cash in the account for 3 months worth of vent! smile.gif


Just so you guys know, a lot of folks sink their hard earned cash into maintaining the place. Soon (hopefully) we'll be updating our forums to a much sexier system, and that's coming out of the pockets of a few dedicated people who want to keep FP's infrastructure solid! If you can, do your part!



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I was just about to bump this. You beat me to it.


Aside from being one on if not the largest guilds on SC, we are also one of the most visited. On vent and online both. Most don't have or need 100 person Vent servers, and most don't get anywhere near the amount of hits we get on our website. Over the past year alone our bandwidth usage has more than doubled.


All it would take is every member giving a couple bucks to run the site and vent for a full year. Obviously everyone can't since we have some younger members and foriegn members, so if you can spare 5 to 10 bucks, that's all it would take to pay for 2007, and then you don't have to see this thread again for another year.


Hopefully in this coming year (month really), we'll have a new host and a new design for the site. So FP.com will be looking better and running better.



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I sent some Vietnamese money over...hope it works smile.gif

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