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bleh. their cajun fries are teh suck. their burgers and normal fries are delicous however.



cajun fries ftw


on topic, I had a chik-fil-a sandwich.

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Take 4 slices of really really thin sandwich bread


make 2 grilled cheese sandwiches out of them


Cook a hamburger


Use the 2 grilled cheese sandwiches as buns for the hamburger


Bacon is optional


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its just strips of meat marinated in vinegar, soy sauce and spices, then stir fried with red onions, parsley and tomatoes plus rice and french fries.


And... burritos ftw but no mexican restaurants here :(


Lomo Saltado?! I'm making it this weekend; ees gud!


Edit: And also, Trig AND Malk sighting = sign of the times?! O_O (/wave)

Edited by Demetricus

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Lomo Saltado?! I'm making it this weekend; ees gud!


Edit: And also, Trig AND Malk sighting = sign of the times?! O_O (/wave)


hahaha yeah

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Take 4 slices of really really thin sandwich bread


make 2 grilled cheese sandwiches out of them


Cook a hamburger


Use the 2 grilled cheese sandwiches as buns for the hamburger


Bacon is optional


this is otherwise known as the sandwich from sidebar.

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Chipotle chicken burrito with rice, grilled chicken, fresh lettuce, and extra hot sauce. 1.5 pounds of tummy loving mexi, all washed down with Nantucket Nectar's Peach Orange juice ( /drool) . then a 40g protein shake (after the gym!)


= om nom.

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a bowl of multi-grain cheerios, 3 raw eggs, protein shake


later on i ruined it with some taco bell xD

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Take 4 slices of really really thin sandwich bread


make 2 grilled cheese sandwiches out of them


Cook a hamburger


Use the 2 grilled cheese sandwiches as buns for the hamburger


Bacon is NOT optional. It is a given.


Sorry Malk. I had to correct you on that. XD

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3 raw eggs


i've only eaten a raw egg once, and that because i dared myself to. please explain to me the reason you don't cook it.

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yea i suppose depending on the heat, you cook out the proteins. whats the difference in protein on a cooked egg and raw egg?




i think this articel is saying your body better diegests the proteins in eggs if they are cooked. i dunno though i havent fully read it yet and a lot of it is hard to read cause im not a scientist.




the protein assimilation is higher in the cooked egg


"Egg white protein is generally considered to be less digestible than heat-pretreated egg white protein. However, no data are available concerning the magnitude of this impairment in vivo. In this study, it was shown that after ingestion of 25 g of raw egg protein, almost 50% is malabsorbed over 24 h. The higher digestibility of cooked egg protein presumably results from structural changes in the protein molecule induced by heating, thereby enabling the digestive enzymes to gain broader access to the peptide bonds."

Edited by Erlin

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dear ben,


the forums are a place i like to come to escape my anatomy class. please take your discussion of peptide bonds and denaturation of proteins elsewhere. kthx.










p.s. i had jello for lunch

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i was trying to discover the reason for raw egg consumption.


i found out you get better protein absorbtion from cooked eggs so maybe scott just likes the consitency of snot going down his throat. or there is another reason.

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maybe scott just likes the consitency of snot going down his throat. .

I think you're on to something.




today: chicken caesar salad / apple

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get on aim!


rice and brocolli

Edited by Erlin

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Because throwing a cooked egg into a protein shake doesn't work that well. You don't notice it at all, so no snot in your throat.


Also they are talking specifically about egg whites. The yolk contains much higher levels of biotin, so the fact that the avidin

binds to the biotin in the whites isn't that big of a deal.


So basically, I'm lazy and want some decent protein.

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this shows that you're right the egg yolk has more biotin.


but what is the benefit of biotin?


"Biotin deficiency is extremely rare. Some potential causes of biotin deficiency are: long-term use of certain anti-seizure medications; prolonged oral antibiotic use; intestinal malabsorption (for example short gut syndrome); intravenous feeding (total parenteral nutrition/TPN) without added biotin; and eating raw egg whites on a regular basis. Supplementing with biotin appears helpful for the treatment of this deficiency. "




your biotin intake is also hurt by consuming raw eggs.



im not arguing with you scott you im just trying to learn! also yea that makes sense throwing it in your protein shake for some added protein

Edited by Erlin

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Again, looking at the part you bolded, they are talking about eating raw eggs whites. In order to cause a biotin deficiency, you need to eat an extravagant amount of raw egg whites only. Eating the yolk as well negates any danger of a deficiency due to the higher biotin content.


Also, check out this thread in regards to that study you posted earlier:

egg protein absorption


Anyway, the key word is convenience. Sometimes I cook them, sometimes I don't. Depends on what my schedule is like and whether I have time to prepare something.

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hahaha nice filter. here's the interesting post:


After reading the study, I don't consider the conclusions to be significant.


One major flaw in the study design is the study size; the researchers only test 5 subjects in their study (4 women) and one of the subjects is at least 76 years old. That fact alone leads me to believe that the findings of this study are not significant nor relevant for the bodybuilding community.


Furthermore, the researchers gauged protein absorption by measuring the amount of radioactive labels that remained in the illeal effleunt (stool) in the patients.


For those without a science background, specific molecules in an oligonucleotide can be targeted and irradiated for labeling purposes. Basically, this technique provides researchers a non-invasive technique capable of tracking where specific compounds of interest end up within the body.


In this case, if only a small amount of the radioactively labeled protein is recovered within the illeal effleunt, it means that the majority of the ingested protein was absorbed by the body.


Converserly, if a large amount of radioactively labeled protein is recovered within the illeal effluecnt, it means that only a small amount of ingested protein was absorbed by the body.



Because this study calculates protein digestibility based on illeal effluent composition, it neglects the absorption that occurs within the large intestine (ascending, transverse, and descending colon).


Despite the fact that the majority of nutritionally relevant absorption occurs within the small intestine( where the illeum is), and the fact that the majority of the absorption that occurs within the large intestine involves water, not accounting for absorption within the large intestine still could potentially skew the results.


The researches themselves state: 'However, because nitrogen is intensely metabolized, absorbed and secreted in the colon, fecal digestibility values do not necessarily equal ileal digestibility values.'


Given the study design and patient population, it would be impossible for the researchers to measure the amount of radioactively labeled protein recovered from the large intestine, because illeostomy patients have had their large intestines removed.


If the study size were expanded to included several hundred patients, and the methods were modified to included subjects with healthy, normal digestive tracts, then I would consider the findings to be significant.


Until a larger, improved study comes out, I'm going to keep drinking my raw liquid egg whites for breakfast with a smile on my face.

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