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OMFG Someone nerfed my Lunch Thread! Anyway:


Dill Havarti Mac & Cheese and Saffron Scented Chicken Noodle Soup.

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i had 4 (more) teeth remove (making 17 total, including baby teeth) so my lunch yesterday was milkshake... i wonder if we have soup today...

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i hate cookies for lunch, strawberry shortcake cookies

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Shoop, don't drink milkshakes after wisdom teeth removal. You'll get a dry socket.

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I don't eat as much meat as some folks. If you get my drift. -Nudge nudge-





I'm saying they like weeeeeeeeiners.




Like, the hot dog kind.

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OMG, you guys eat meat?


I don't.


A L L Vegan

Clean conscience ftw!


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Spaghetti and a glass of milk. Meh.


Yah, I feel the same elitist lack of approval when i read this thread gynis hehehehe

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I know. I'm so annoyed. Where the hell can I find a lavender soaked kiwi with goat yogurt when I need one?! I'll tell ya where. NO WHERE! Freakin one horse bumpkin hillbilly backwater dirt patch.... grumble grumble ad naseum.

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shoop holy teeth removal...


(i think i hold the crown on teeth removal...but we wont go there! :shock: )

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Yanno, as I'm devouring genetically engineered chickens by the bucketful, my conscience is pretty clean. Normally because I'm not hungry, in fear of starvation, or whatever else after I eat them biggrin.gif

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im a meatatarian.... :shock:


for some reason...since birth...i will not consume vegetables other than corn and potatoes...i dont know if it is a phobia of green food or what...


but i run from vegetables...


(funny side note)


at my wedding...the waitress/caterer lady came up to me and my brother at the head table w/ salad...and my brother put his hand out and said...


"no salad for us...ever since our uncle got hit by that salad truck...we just cant bear to look at it...let alone consume it" tongue.giftongue.gif:twisted:tongue.giftongue.gif

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