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So.... 7 days short of 2 years of the creation of my undead priest, my wow career is at an end.


Things in my life have pretty much taken an unexpected turn for the worse. We'll just say to keep it short, a girl has pretty much ruined my life. It sucks, it's life, but it has been time for me to walk away and start somthing new for a while.


I honestly hope that I will get the opportunity to move back home, which is what I have been trying for, for quite some time. I have made so many good friends here in game, and I can't thank you all enough for making the last 2 years of my life eventful and giving the highest highs and the lowest lows, because, with out the sour, the sweet isn't so sweet.


The chances for me to come back for BC are running thinner by the minute. I have been playing the beta hardcore since I got the key and the newly revamped game can not even spark an old intrest.


I will troll from time to time and for those of you who want my phone number to chat/txt, feel free to send me a PM and it's yours. For those of you who have it, don't forget it, and use it.


My account expires on new years eve. I still have some things to hand off to my team, and a few other things to take care of, but for the most part I will not be online at all. Both WoW and BC:Beta are now uninstalled and gone.


A message to my team:


Amanda.. you will always be the black light of my life. Vegmo FTW, we bumped heads on many occasions but always seemed to come out of situations smiling. You are the younger sister I wish I had... well I have 3 but you know what I'm saying.


Ed... what else to say.. BBM, always got the wrong joke for any situation.


Jenna... noob, and nothing more.


Jesus... keep your head up brother and one day when you hit it big with one of your books/poems, you can finally get enuff cheese to get out of that igloo.


Johhny... Great man, always had my back, and I will always have yours.


Ryan... my brother.. I have never had a better time than NYC man... that was some amazing shit.. You have always been the brains behind the operation and I hope you will continue to lead the team and help form a new one with the new mages.


Wint, Chyrezze, Spiral, Zed, Kai, Mira, Tal, Helio... wish I got the chance to know you all better.




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Asshole not shouting me out.




But seriously, I hate you for leaving when I can finally play alongside you and the mages.



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Shit happens but if I know you, and I think I do, you will shrug it off with a smirk and all will be well before you know it. See you in the RL man.



RIP Stricnyne

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And this is why I dropped PI and went 51 Shadow.


God man.... like you said good and bad... you have been the ultimate @$$ to the ultimate goal. Your the man the myth and the legend rolled into one.


I feel your pain on the ladies. I wish I had that magical answer. I wish I knew the magical combination to allow you to enjoy real life and the game. You have made friends known and unknown. You have effected peoples lives both good.... AND BAD. (mostly bad) Just kiddin. Never was a ice mage. Never a fire mage. Never an arcane mage. Never elemental. But from someone who desired to be able to compete with the best casters and the guy who ran them.... peace love and happiness from a shadow mage.


*tips cap*


PS you have a PM

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Take a break from the game. Walk away. Breathe. And come back. You're one of my favorite people in FP. It's going to be quiet without. sad.gif


/pours one out for teh 9

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You will be sorely missed man, however I do know how you feel. Good luck with your future! Lol, we're gonna miss those colorful moments in the mage chat, just won't be the same without ya.

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I love you Chris, dont go to far away man. We'll never be the same without you, and im glad I got to meet you.


I hope to still talk / see you IRL man.

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PS can I have your splinters?


*edit* OMG Just trying to keep it light I was joking

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Wow... gonna miss u man. Definitely another one of my favorites gone sad.gif

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Stric man, I have enoyed your company from back in the days of you, me, ghost, dez and beorn running around causing havoc and farming some rare drops. I still kind of miss those days. Don't be a stranger.




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Chris I am glad I got to meet you even though us priesties didn't get a shout out...we kno we are feelin the love from you@!! I will miss ur tactics and ur humor...keep it real and hey woman come and go...FP will always be here for you....we stick by each other...../famous for a reason....

love ya good luck in ur adventures in RL

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Technically I got into FP with the QB sneak, my mage was accepted at the time which gave me to opportunity to make the friends I did here until my rogue was needed for raids. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to play with such great people Chris. It was good playing with you, keep drillin' buddy.

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man i dunno what to say. you're a giant pain in my ass, but i can't help but love ya. its definitely gonna be weird without the captain of the a team around but i know i'll be hearing from you now and again. gl in the real world and don't let the b*tches get to you =p

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Zomg the living dead are here...barbeque your face! OHHHH AHHHH EHHH. BAHAHA. I just crit that guy for 1,500,489. Taste it!! OHHH MAN that was great.


The damage meters are up for grabs zomg. Welcome to the club Stric

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I remember a phrase from the days I used to play MCO thats fits perfect...



Can I have your stuff?

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see stric Just get in the van andd will be better... lots of candy and a nice van ride what more could you want.

Take care man.

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Well, I'm not going to beat around the bush. You're the man, and I'm really sad to see you go. But at the same time I'm not too worried, because I know your still gonna come back down to GA with Eric since you still owe me a game of pool. If I'm not mistaken we have a tie to break, and I'm not going down like last time! :wink:


Seriously though Chris, it's been a pleasure knowing you and playing alongside you. I'm sad that we won't be able to level together in BC, but if you get your things straightened out in RL maybe we still can? I surely hope so. Good luck to you in the future my friend, if there is anything I can ever do for you please don't hesitate to ask.




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Get your life straightened out, Chris. You're always gonna have a spot here, you'll definately be missed. Hope to see you back someday.



*grins* ... need to pester you bout the Alchemy stuff hehe. Take care, man!!

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