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I ain't dead yet $%@


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yeh, aside from steaking lines from famous comedians on a daily basis, I am aight!. Still in once piece, and surviving the hordes of ladies that look for some latin loving.




hehe. I am going to Australia in 08. I'm making a name in the faculties of Philosophy and English. So yeh rocking the University. The writing has been a little slow though, mainly because the ammount of time I spend doing research for my papers, and socializing. Hopefully I'll be able to dish out another chapter of my novel by the end of december (at least thats the goal) and in the second semester I should be able to start playing WoW again.


Missin' pulling crazy antics on the guild.



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hi este! i just thinking about IMing you the other day. where is stormy?

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I turned down the offer to go to australia in '08, too much work envolved, I hate warm weather, the whole being upside down thing.


Now I wonder what my life could of been like if I met esteban,























and i sigh in relief! 8)

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OMG este coming to aus? whereabouts?!


the Sydney area man. I expect to see you there wink.gif gonna be crazy!


oh and marbo.. you are lame! 5k is NOTHING. oh and since storm is MIA you can pretend to be him for a while wink.gif


oh and no stang. The mage know as esteban got deleted for real. I'm starting over again during the winter. ^^

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What do you mean marbo its me stormhelm

that was me talking can't you tell us apart?



[stormhelm] Guys its clear who's who,

you can't tell our voices apart?

Marbo, stop pretending to be me!



[Marbo] Fine, by the way, 5k is a lot when you dont work!



[stormhelm] That's Marbo, can't you tell



(little bit of UCA 5 man alt raid humor for ya!)


I think I got the hang of this.

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seriously, when ur in sydney... let us know... like pm one of us or something. we'll get in contact with ya pretty much right away.


how long will u be stayin? a full year? which uni?

we hv a fair bit of exchange students over here.


edit: just realised ur 18 too... awesome. :twisted: hahaha...

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