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ZOMG New Pics of Miz :)


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Well since I haven't been playing much and I haven't posted pictures for almost a year now I thought I'd give you a miz update. And yes, Alex is the reason I dont play much anymore lol...



Me and Alex




Me at And Kayla at Hoelaween




Me and Alex at her 18th b-day (yes I realize were almost 2 years apart lol...)




Me and my buddy ricky rocking Gunitmidget's Sister's Shades




At the New Jersey Shore Last Summer




Me and Gunitmidget/Wrathofnight's Sister




Me and My Buddy Andrew




Me and Alex (yes that's her hat lol)



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daaaaang miz! i would totally /quit wow for alex too!

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If I had a daughter that dressed like that for halloween when she was that young /construct small metal box /lock her in /throw away key




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daaaaang miz! i would totally /quit wow for alex too!






Thank god Amy doesn't mind my addiction =P

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/agree with Shad...but I think I dressed about the same for Halloweens back in the day. I think I went a little more for the goth look though.

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I need to know how old that girl in the halloween picture is before I can make any comments.

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So that's who is keeping Miz from hitting 60 wink.gif

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I need to know how old that girl in the halloween picture is before I can make any comments.


She's 17 dez.


these are terrifying pictures


How come Klaud?


So that's who is keeping Miz from hitting 60 smile.gif


I hate you Gar.

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I need to know how old that girl in the halloween picture is before I can make any comments.


She's 17 dez.


That's good enough in some states, Dez.

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I need to know how old that girl in the halloween picture is before I can make any comments.


She's 17 dez.


That's good enough in some states, Dez.



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If I had a daughter that dressed like that for halloween when she was that young   /construct small metal box /lock her in  /throw away key


So that's who is keeping Miz from hitting 60


holy shite.. Miz is a pimp..



Good job Miz! You make me proud dude!



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Miz, I'm totally coming to visit you once the girls you're with turn 18. I could make a totally convincing older brother. Girls love older brothers.

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Miz, I'm totally coming to visit you once the girls you're with turn 18.  I could make a totally convincing older brother.  Girls love older brothers.


Alex is 18 smile.gif


But don't even think about going near her! :evil:


I can hook u up with some other girls tho, least i could do with all the tanking uve done for me wink.gif

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