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Go Vote!


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It's election day! Go vote kids!


Vote Red, Blue, Green, Purple, White or Hot pink, vote whatever, but just make sure to vote! xD!

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Sorry Stang but I take the advice of an old teacher of mine, if you aren't going to take the time to research who and what you are voting on then don't go screw it up for the rest of us by voting on what you know nothing about wink.gif

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I agree whole heartedly with Garnok. If anything we have too many people in this country voting. If you don't know who or what you're voting for, then please don't.


(personally, I'm not voting because in my disctricts/state it makes no difference. Almost all the contests were decided by primaries and one person will win by a landslide over the other(s) thanks to greedy politicians scewing the redisctricting in their favor. The few state races that weren't I don't even know enough about the people running)


Remember, voting isn't a right, it's a privilege. Don't @#$% it up. Vote responsibly.


/end rant

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Voting is a privilege and a responsibility . . . there are so many who lose the right or are fighting to gain the right. Surprising what we take for granted with this thing we call freedom.


It is rather sad to see people who don't have respect . . . for their country and it's people. Failure to vote is lack of respect. It takes very little time to gain the knowledge needed to step up and vote . . . probably less time than it takes to smoke a pack.


Living in a country and not supporting it is, marginally, a type of terrorism. All the non-caring actions add up and eventually destroy what so many hold most dear. We are shaping our future and the future of generations to come by our actions today.


As Stang put it, "It's election day! Go vote kids!"

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but im too young to vote sad.gif


17 huh.. well good news is your first elections in '08 will be one hell of an election year. smile.gif

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But isn't one of those freedoms the right to decide what we will and will not do. I choose not to vote and by default I choose not to complain about who does and does not win. I am exercising my right to not vote wink.gif

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but im too young to vote sad.gif


Yes, but we all grow up someday . . . look, even Garnok is still working on it.


<3 Garnok for putting up with my jibes

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Voting is a right, not a priviledge.


Also, there's a difference between not voting out of apathy and not voting as a choice.


Also also,

Living in a country and not supporting it is, marginally, a type of terrorism.



That being said, my parents taught me the proper response to someone asking if you voted today (from me asking if/for whom they voted for): "None of your business."

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Voting is a right, not a priviledge.


What it was intended to be, what it is now, and what it should be are all arguable.

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I didn't even realize it was election day until this morning...but I can't vote anyway because I'm still registered under a different name. =P

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Voting is a right, not a priviledge.


What it was intended to be, what it is now, and what it should be are all arguable.


What's the argument between it being a right and a privilege? Driving - privilege, internet - privilege, hell even healthcare - privilege. Speech, assembly, voting - rights.

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Voting is a right, not a priviledge.


What it was intended to be, what it is now, and what it should be are all arguable.


What's the argument between it being a right and a privilege? Driving - privilege, internet - privilege, hell even healthcare - privilege. Speech, assembly, voting - rights.


I don't remember the Constitution or the Bill of Rights granting you the right to vote, only preventing the discrimination based on sex, race, or whether or not you pay taxes. Your state gives you the privilege to vote so their electoral college can decide who to vote for, at least in the case of federal elections.


Right = something everyone gets simply by being born

Privilege = something granted to a responsible person that can be revoked

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i just got back from the poles(lol@bw) and i went to the gas station afterwards and got a slushie

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im not old enough! wait! crap! yes i am! throw that excuse out the window

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True, that there is no technical federal right to vote, but there is federal protection for the state right to vote. States cannot abridge the right to vote based on age, race, gender, wealth, nor intelligence. Federal/constitutional rights can also be revokedl.

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Actually I was just editing my post to say that while you were posting :-)

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um... i dont think we have elections up here for... uhh... a couple more years? what do i do till then?

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Pray that the american taxpayer isn't as stupid as I belive them to be.


I always held faith in the intelect of the american people, that was until Bush the lesser was re-elected, and yes I voted in that election. I've chosen not to in this one because I disllike all of the candidates I've been presented with. Every election I've participated in I've always cast a vote against someone. Never for someone, and thats a terrible way to run a democracy.


So I'll excersize my right to obstain from this mired and sullied process.

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The two party system is summarily a failure of democracy. Beauraucracy and tradition have taken over the idea of truly electing the best candidate for the role of president. It's too deeply entrenched already to stop it or do anything about it, no third party candidate will ever be president.

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