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When is BC going to be out?


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and when it's January...read that again and you'll pretty much know exactly when it'll come out...



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Gamestop really doesn't know the exact date, I saw EB was saying Nov 28 for a couple of months but then Amazon.com and a couple of other places had different dates. Unless Blizzard says it, you really can't trust it sad.gif

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Gamestop really doesn't know the exact date, I saw EB was saying Nov 28 for a couple of months but then Amazon.com and a couple of other places had different dates.  Unless Blizzard says it, you really can't trust it sad.gif

I remember seeing a Diablo 2 trailer saying something like Coming out 1998. When it did come out? I dont remember the date, but it was by far later than that. Same thing for SC Ghost that was first announced for this year if I remember correcly (if it wasn't 2k5). We all know about Blizzard and their punctuality... smile.gif

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the StarCraft Ghost project is closed for now. the compagny they had asked to make the game took too long. and now... the game is out of date compared to other FPSs.



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if a store tells u a release date for any game is within the last couple days of that month it means its total BS - they place an "estimate" date (ie they just picked it out of a hat) so that people can preorder and they can make downpayments. It's always at the end of a month just to make sure they dont forget to push their made-up release date back even farther when that date gets near - nothing's worse than a customer getting angry in the middle of a store line up because he was told he would b getting his shiney new game in a week... and now its 2 months.

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the exact date is jan 24, 2006. Gotta love knowing peopl who work at gamestop lol


You mean like how for the past 6 months they've been saying Nov 18th? Gamestop has no official date.

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the 28th actually, Belive me I've been watching the release date like a hawk.


but as far as I'm concerned they can take all the time they want. I'd like to not play a broken class for a year again.

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