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I know it's old, but I always feel a need to /bump this movie just in case there's *anyone* out there that hasn't seen it.


Noggaholic is a great vid with the best soundtrack ever...I have it on my ipod just for the soundtrack :oops:


Anyway, enjoy...



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I thought the first one was taken down due to the unreleased content issue...linky? =)

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I thought the first one was taken down due to the unreleased content issue...linky? =)


Sorry I took so long ^^


Yea, the movie was taken down but a few people managed to d/l it from warcraft movies.com and they uploaded it pretty much where ever they could. I had to get mine from some Russian site 0_o


Imo, Exploration the Movie is better then Noggaholic. When Dopefish made Noggaholic he took a decent amount of scenes from his first one and put them in Nogg. Enjoy ^^


Exploration the Movie

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  • 4 years later...

/bump for Cata. Link still works!


With a new expansion I always get a bit nostalgic...


For anyone that remembers wall walking/geometry glitching/PvP H@x and all the other stuff Blizz didn't want us to do in Vanilla this is still one of the best vids.


Remember the 'under construction' barrier in Hyjal? How about when the Caverns of Time just a small cave guarded by elite (hostile) Dragons? Ever have a hunter glitch you into Old IronForge via scattershot? This vid is for you.


For the newer folk, keep in mind that allot of the zones that are accessible now WEREN'T when this vid was made.


Ah, the good old days.


Now, where did my mind control cap go?...

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wow, yeah.. this is a blast from the past..


I used to mind control and fear warlocks into old iron forge and start summoning people in. i remember being in there feeling like i was breakin the law breakin the lawwww...


good times. i miss vanilla wow. queue queue nostaligia

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