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SO top favorite console, and top 5 games on it! ( in no perticuler order)


Super Nintendo!

1. Sercret of Mana

2. Super Metriod

3. Legend of Zelda : Link to the past

4. E.V.O (Honki knows about me and this game)

5. Super Mario World


These are all games I could play pretty much straight through, and I've beaten them all ....cept E.V.O , I spent years and years trying to find a copy of that game.

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Link to the Past would be #1 on my chart for SNES <3 Zelda.... 1 month, 1 day until the next Zelda!!! Wewt!



But..Fav Console and top 5 games in no particular order:


NES.. still got my original one from 1985 hehe

1) Legend of Zelda - 3rd all time fav Zelda game. Nuff said!

2) Blaster Master - aweeeeesome game levels 1-7 are cake.. lvl 8 .whew.. and if ya ever played the game: Bonus points if you know what this series of # is hehe: 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 7, 2, 3, 8.

3) Sky Shark - First game I ever dropped a quarter in at the ripe old age of 5 at and forever got me hooked on video games.. this one will always be on my list!

4) Alien Syndrome - just a fun game! Although I wore my cartridge out quite a few years ago sad.gif I still loved it!

5) Legend of Zelda II: The Adventures of Link - was my least fav of the Zelda games.. but.. well its Zelda and I'm givin it an honorary #5.

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FF3 followed by Chrono Trigger, didn't really get better than that and still isn't.

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Damn, Vanin's right, ok, I gotta have FF2, and FF3 up there,

1. Sercret of Mana

2. Final Fantasy 2

3. Legend of Zelda : Link to the past

4. E.V.O

5. Final Fantasy 3


Much better.

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1. Skies of Arcadia

2. Typing of the Dead

3. Grandia II

4. Crazy Taxi

5. Phantasy Star Online

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Dragon when I see you next I will /punch you!


FF3 #5?!?!. I agree Ben skies of arcadia is definately ftw.


Super Nintendo

1. FF3

2. Secret of mana

3. FF2

4. Link to the past

5. Mario Paint (oooorrr Contra ftw)

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1) Final Fantasy VII

2) Final Fantasy VIII

3) Street Fighter ex3

4) Crash Team Racing

5) Fighting Force (zomg)

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Oh lord... I didnt realize they allowed pallies like you RH in the guild... FF8?


Can I get a demotion pointed in his direction?I mean...seriously... Squall is so /emo /wrists, haha.

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And Ben, seriously, Skies of Arcadia FTW, that game was great, kinda reminded me of Suikoden with all the characters (Great game there too)

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Benny Ben Ben, I knew I <3 you for a good reason!! I only had Typing of the Dead on PC, that was an awesome game...but it didn't teach me to type very well.



1. Space Channel 5...outdancing aliens, so addictive.

2. Sonic- I love the little chau pets and I used to carry mine to school on the vmu and play races with him...I think I cried when ChuChu died

3. Gauntlet Legends- great 4 player game where you didn't wanna kill one of the other players IRL, especially great with gameshark.

4. House of the Dead 2- no plot but that game was amazing duel wielding lazer guns on the comfort of your own couch

5. Jet Grind Radio- graffiti ftw!


Honorable Mentions...it's so tough to leave any out smile.gif

6. Bass Fishing- I never thought fishing could be so exciting, I even bought the fishing pole controller smile.gif

7. Project Justice- I always played that crazy girl with the chain, she owned

8. Shen Mue- I miss driving that forklift and those cheesy fight sequences

9. Marvel vs. Capcom, Capcom vs. SNK, etc they all count as one mention

10. Crazy Taxi- can't help but love it.

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Wha? Playstation? Dreamcast? Meh!



1. FF3 - The best of the series, IMO. Then again, I gave up hope on FF after starting on VIII.

2. The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (get it? Link? Haha, it's a pun!)

3. Terranigma - Wasn't released in the US, but it's a kickass game brought to us by the guys at Enix. Go go European versions!

4. The Secret of Evermore - An awesome squaresoft game, which seemingly few have heard of.

5. Super Mario World



E.V.O - The Search for Eden - I beat it Dragon! Hah! smile.gif I've been wanting another game like that since it came out, and only when Spore comes out will I be satisfied. (unless all the hype is overblowing it)

Uncharted Waters - New Horizons - Get a ship, sail it, be a pirate or a merchant... all on the SNES! What can be better?

Robotrek - A fun game, with robots! Haven't beaten it after all this time...

Ogre Battle - Awesome.

Secret of Mana - All of them, are great to playyy... even if you just get a foreign one, or a translated rom.



Mmmm... I think that's it for now.

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omg la la laura! good choices!! i can't believe i forgot about jet grind(set) radio, man that was such a good game too. and yes i loved the little chau pets in sonic as well, the VMU idea was brilliant on sega's behalf

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hah.....i can't order mine, but i found dragon's original list pretty damn accurate, excluding FF2, 3, and chrono trigger. i might have to put mario kart and/or tetris attack up there =]


i didn' tknow about E.V.O. til i found it as a random game i had in a "complete snes" rom pack thinger. awesome game =]


also really liked ...fawk i forgot the name. you start as a little boy, then you get a knight, and a shadow character... you collect little orbs from enemies and it's a slashy sorta zelda game. crap. i loved that game >_<


ILLUSION OF GAIA!!!! awesome game.

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Hard to pick one system but as far as games:


1. Metal Gear Solid

2. Chrono Trigger

3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

4. Final Fantasy VII

5. Final Fantasy X

6. Final Fantasy VI (III US)

7. Final Fantasy IV (II US)

8. Golden Eye

9. Mario Kart 64

10. Mega Man 2 (The best one)

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First off, I know dragon is lying, his favourite game of all time is infact a snes game called x-kalibur 2097, a work of art if there ever was one. By art of course I mean words can't even convey how bad this game is. Aside from that SNES is it:


1. Chrono Trigger- Perfection is all that really comes to mind

2. Final Fantasy II/IV- Dawn of the great RPGs

3. Super Metroid- Best Adventure game. SotN stole everything from this.

4. Secret of Mana (not that Vanin, Dragon and I played the ever-loving hell out of this or anything)

5. Earthbound- Because beating up hippies with baseball bats never gets old.

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In no order...


Earthbound - Ness simply rocks biggrin.gif

Final Fantasy 3/6 - Classics of everytime

Zelda A Link to the Past - THE BEST Zelda game ever made. (They should remake it into a 3D game for the GC or something like that)

Secret of Mana - Gamestyle is pretty cool, except I don't like the way we fight.

MegaMan series - My favourite one is X, all-time classics as well

And well, some others that I can'T remember the name..

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Seriously....Top 5? And only one console? What about the Playstation? What about the Game Cube or DS? Seriously...a list of favorite games cannot be confined by such constrictions. Here's my top 10 of all-time.


1: Final Fantasy 6 (or 3 in the US)-SNES

2: Secret of Mana-SNES

3: Final Fantasy 7-PS

4: The Legend of Zelda-A Link to the Past-SNES

5: Super Mario Bros. 3-NES

6: Disgaea-PS2 (if I weren't such a fan of the old school, this would be #1 easy)

7: Xenosaga-PS2

8: Final Fantasy Tatics-PS

9: Super Metroid-SNES

10: Earthbound-SNES


Honorable mentions: Sonic the Hedgehog, TMNT: Turtles in Time, X-Men Legends 2, Tetris, Mario Kart, Wario Ware, and Diablo 2 (have to have at least one PC game in there)


There are probably tons that I'm forgetting just how much I loved playing, but that's my list. I left out sports games because, in general, they're all the same. But that's it! That's the list!

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Not much love for Sonic it seems... T_T

I love all the original Sonic games (not the stupid spin-offs), and I break out my Saturn to play Sonic Jam every once in a while. Sonic and Knuckles + Sonic 3 UBER MEGA DOUBLE CART is some epic shit.

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Sorry HV...Sonic's epic saga ended with Sonic CD, everything after that was a pale imitation!

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Ahhh good 'ol Xcalibur 2097 , with the mad scientist who shoots up to become some kind of acidic bug thing..... I have never ever been so mad in my life as when fighting that boss. Who Honki beat about 20 minutes after I went to bed..........

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It could be worse, DL. Like...remember FF5, where the last boss is a tree? Come on...a tree! Maybe we should make a list of the 5 (or however many) games that we've played that were just really bad. hehe

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