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My final poem.


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This may be the last poem I ever write again. I wanted to share it with everyone, since I know a few of you enjoy my work. Maybe my inspiration will return to me one day, but until then...this is the last. I hope you enjoy.



Goodbye, Dear Heart



I once found love

when I was very young.

It was stripped from me without warning.

Love is fleeting.


For years, I searched

for my second chance.

I found only turned backs.

People are so cruel to those with open hearts.


I discovered something that seemed like love.

I went towards it, only to be used.

The sting of the poison left in my mouth

still burns my soul to this day.


I wandered the world in a daze

not sure of where to look next.

I felt so lost without my heart.

I stopped to contemplate.


Then along came you.

Could you be my second chance?

My heart skipped a beat or two

as you showed great interest in me.


But your heart is attached

to someone who does not share his with you.

There is no room for me afterall, it seems.

I guess I was mistaken.


Several years of lonliness...

several years of pain.

Aside, I cast the thought of love.

Good bye, dear heart...until we meet again.

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Inspiration gone?


Inspiration is an abstact consept. It needs no place. Maybe... whatever you drew inpiration from is gone. Try taking it from things that remind you of that thing. As painful as it might seem

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Thank you Este, but I have other reasons for no longer posting my poetry. That may change one day, but for now this is the last hurrah for me. I am glad that everyone has enjoyed my literature, and I hope the time comes when I feel I can share more of my works with everyone.

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