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I have taken up The Inkshaper project as a personal publishing tool. Basically what I am going to do is make handwritten coppies of various of The Inkshaper Tales. I have gotten a great deal of feedback from people at MUN and writers in St. Johns. These copies will be done in ink, in a very artistic fation. These copies are then going to be sold, and the profits will go to RIAC (Refugee and Immigrant Advisory Council) as a donation.


I was just throwing it out there. Each ordered copy turns to be around $1. I was just putting this on the table just in case anyone was interested.


The first Tale will be released in 2-3 weeks.


(this probably appeals more to my Canadian friends ^^)


Key, Storm. send me your adress so I can send you the first one. and tell the UCA people the same.

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yay! este 's teh man! mayb he IS 2 feet tall... but he's still teh man!

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I'm highly interested. Give me some more info on it, and I would be more than happy to order them. Keep me informed! biggrin.gif

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haha we should all start a club =/

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The FP Commitee For Smaller People


Must be 5' 8" or shorter to join.

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hah. this thread is full of lies. gynis could get his ass kicked at a junior high playground, there's no way he's 5'8". i thought Vanin brought his 12 year old brother, then realized it's just gynis being short. =P

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You're lies! Gynis is uber leet tall, man.


Like...anorexic gnome tall!


Or...midgit dwarf tall!


Wait...those aren't very tall at all, are they? Hmmm...well...your feet smell! tongue.gif

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