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Tragedy!!! [And a Story with pix]

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So last night, around 4 AM, I was in Winterspring, attempting to solo a level 61 elite gorilla that has 77,000 HP and swings for ~900-1300 damage while I was in caster form. Being by myself, conventional methods were most obviously not going to work, so I combined my two best abilities as a druid, in hopes of succeeding. What two things am I good at?


Running and moonfiring, of course. =]




I had use Mar'li's eye four times, and an Innervate. That means I had been kiting him around Winterspring for over 12 minutes. I ran up the ice bridge, to Everlook, in a few circles around there, up to the northern outpost, managed to do a circle around him to turn him around without getting hit, back to everlook for a few more circles, and then it ended.


With a shock. =[



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awwww haha i'm sorry alexy. that monkey is named after the big P


ya, the quest log quotes Austin Powers as the objective. =]

"Who does Number Two work for?"

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awwww haha i'm sorry alexy. that monkey is named after the big P


ya, the quest log quotes Austin Powers as the objective. =]

"Who does Number Two work for?"


haha that's awesome..

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dude that sucks =/ why shamans always gotta be bringing a naga down, nahmean?

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bwaffle Alex.


BTW, that quest normally takes a 3 man  :-P


I read, but I only had me! xD

And if it wasn't for teh fugging shaman I could've done it, easily.

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How did you turn into a gnome?


the quest giver gives you a disquise that makes you look like a gnome. It's suppose to fool Dr. Weavel, but it doesn't, and he orders Number 2 to kill you.

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OMG that's awesome. I've got to hand it to Blizzard, the amount of pop culture references in WoW is absolutely staggering.

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hah awesome. i think i'll have to steal vanin and stric for about 5-10 minutes one night then =]


and ya, the whole head of broodlord questlines are a ton of fun. azuregos was cracking me up, he's whacked out lol

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