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Good taste in themes. Trying to convert the orange to a dark red over at www.nephilodge.com. It's a work in progress, and a huge pain in the arse.


I see you guys have the problem with white text on white buttons when editting your signature. Know how to fix that cause I couldn't change it?


I apologize if our site looks like a rip off of yours, lol. This is the first time I've visiting here in awhile. I see you use paypal donation links and a server status mod. Who ever runs your site has good taste biggrin.gif

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And about the edit sig buttons, I'm not sure, but try editing this file "profile_signature.tpl". It contains the code for that page. It defines the button size and location etc. I'm guessing white is just the deafult because there isn't a value for the color in the code, so try adding in a value for text color and see if that works.



 <td class="row1" width="130" height="150"><span class="gen">{L_SIGNATURE}:</span><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_SIGNATURE_EXPLAIN}<br /><br />{HTML_STATUS}<br />{BBCODE_STATUS}<br />{SMILIES_STATUS}</span></td>

 <td class="row2" width="530" align="middle"><textarea name="signature_text" style="width: 450px" rows="8" cols="70" class="post">{PREVIEW}</textarea></td>



 <td class="row1" width="130" height="20"> </td>

 <td class="row2" width="530" align="middle">

 <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="{L_PROFILE}" name="editprofile">

 <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="{SIG_CURRENT}" name="current">

 <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="{SIG_PREVIEW}" name="preview">

 <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="{SIG_SAVE}" name="save">






btw, I noticed yesterday that you have the Quick Edit feature turned off too. I haven't been able to get it to work right at all. Are you having problems with it too?

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And about the edit sig buttons, I'm not sure, but try editing this file "profile_signature.tpl". It contains the code for that page. It defines the button size and location etc. I'm guessing white is just the deafult because there isn't a value for the color in the code, so try adding in a value for text color and see if that works.







 <td> </td>











btw, I noticed yesterday that you have the Quick Edit feature turned off too. I haven't been able to get it to work right at all. Are you having problems with it too?


Fixed the white on white buttons, editted the fiblack.css file. Changed the code in bold to black from an off white.


/* Form elements */



input{font:11px Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;color:#000000}

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heh, now you created another little problem. A lot of the other buttons are now Black on Grey, which is just as hard to read :- )

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yeah, i just noticed that, changed that line to

input{background:#303030;font:11px Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;color:#dd6900}


and it matches the theme now.

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Hykos, thanks so much for all the help with the Nephilim site. I did in a day what I thought would take me weeks to fix.

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NP. It helped me make some changes that I've been meaning to do for awhile too. It was fun!


:- )

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Micmac paddywhack give a dog a bone

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I have a question for you phpbbplus users. I've been fiddling with converting the current WoF forums to phpbbplus but I'm still trying to get it working the way I want on my test site.


Where is the setting or configuration options where I set my "news" forum so all threads from that particular forum display on the portal page?

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Where is the setting or configuration options where I set my "news" forum so all threads from that particular forum display on the portal page?


There isn't one. You have to make each post a news post to get it on the portal page.


I'm sure there's some way you can tweak it to do an entire forum, but it probably involves a lot of modding.

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How do I set the thread to be a news post? I have the obvious options of sticky, announcement and global announcement but do not see one for news.

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The option for news post is in a drop down menu below the subject line called "Select News Category". If you aren't an admin or if the permission for that forum has not been set to allow it, then you won't see it. I assume you're an admin so you should see the dropdown.

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