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Erlin, Eni, HV, and Klakla's visit to Atl


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Even though I told them I only had a few pics, HV and Kla have been nagging me like a couple of old women to post them.




Kla and Gynis






Group Shots!





FP Dr00ds

Me, Fiordelisa, Eni, Gynis, and H to the Vizzo in the front





Me and Kla (she made me take the picture x_x)

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haha me and tommy are having like a toughman comp. in that 2nd group picture, lawl

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haha me and tommy are having like a toughman comp. in that 2nd group picture, lawl



oooooh yeahhhhh



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I like the Druid class pic thats awesome.

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I'll have some posted eventually....maybe....if I ever go get them developed =P


(not having a digital camera is ftl)

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Klaudia was kind enough to stoop a little while I stood on my toes.



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I never "order" a Lady. Well... sometimes I order them online... but that's a different context... wait. What?

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I never "order" a Lady. Well... sometimes I order them online... but that's a different context... wait. What?




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I ordered WoW and ended up with a girlfriend. Does that count? smile.gif


/hug Usagi


awwwwwwwwwwww /squeal


i ordered wow and ended up with a hus.. err boyfriend, /love kasy

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I ordered WoW and ended up with a girlfriend. Does that count? smile.gif


/hug Usagi


awwwwwwwwwwww /squeal


i ordered wow and ended up with a hus.. err [s:61e15c5eb4]boyfriend[/s:61e15c5eb4] stalker, /help kasy





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