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For pity's sake...are we all STILL talking about this crap?!?!?!?!? Someone please shut this dang-blasted topic down. This is becoming monotenous. I personally believe that Alec's writing is fabulous. It rivals Poe, in my opinion. To sit here and discuss anything and everything BUT that makes you all look like blubbering neanderthals.


For Christ's sake, everyone shut up and move on, or go start a topic elsewhere to bad mouth each other. Leave it out of this one! Geeze!

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haha i think your post has more negative words and namecalling and than any other post on this thread =P

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haha i think your post has more negative words and namecalling and than any other post on this thread =P
Just ticked that this thread turned from "Hey everyone, check out my writing and tell me what you think" to....so not that. Just want to see it dropped and everyone go back to the focus of the whole subject, which is Alec and her awesome literature. smile.gif Would be nice, is all I'm trying to say. Enough is enough. As a fellow aspiring writer, it pains me to see everyone not giving her words of great encouragement on her wonderful talent. Sorry for the explosion, but I mean, come on...can't we all just hit a bong?

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If I were alex. I would be smiling now, I wish what I wrote had created suc a response.

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If I were alex. I would be smiling now, I wish what I wrote had created suc a response.



hahah I know.


I don't see this thread derailing too far from "hey check this out, what do you guys think". Once again, most of the posts Alex, alec, aelora kla and I made have a great deal of feedback on Alec's writing.

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If I were alex. I would be smiling now, I wish what I wrote had created suc a response.


You know I love your writing, too. biggrin.gif After all, who else can say they've read your entire book already? lol

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