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Basically, you made a mistake, and you're aware of it, and I'm aware of it. Quit trying to defend yourself and let it go, cause honestly you kinda irked me, and I'm going to keep deconstructing every response you make until you stop. Cause honestly, I love doing it, and yours are pretty dang simple. happy.gif


Allow me to translate.


I am waiting for your response so I can show off my l33t devating skillz to these peoples, yo.

(note how choose my diction to show what my imidiate reaction to that paragraph was)


and you probably can assume my answer by the end of this sentence.




My point about your response being a defense mechanism was simply that you easily dismissed the piece as "emo" in your response as, what appeared to me, as a way of avoiding the intensity of it. A lot of people use the term "emo" as a negative. I do not know you personally, so I can only go on the way I perceived your initial statement, as did everyone else. I tried to explain myself by stating that many people use the term "emo" when the mean to say that something is "too emotional" for them to handle or acknowledge. It is away of avoiding and ignoring that which we refuse to face. Now, perhaps that is not how you intended it, but that is how I took your post. I apologize for taking it wrong. To say that I had no logic or warrant to back up my original statement is wholly inaccurate. Because you did not understand my logic does not mean I had none. Perhaps instead of assuming that I had none you could ask how I reached such a claim since you did not see my direction.


That is probably what I would have said if the situation were a formal one. But it is not, and I really don't read these forums for their intelectual value. FP is a escape from my normal self, and it should stay that way, but it seems I have been challenged, and just like you B I enjoy such things. So, allow me to step up a little closer to your level.


next (you wrote this so no need to re read it if you don't want to)

Sorry I made those assumptions without fully understanding your logic. I honestly feel that you're absolutely right about that, and it would have been much more tactful of me to inquire as to your logic rather than assuming there is none and attacking. I apologize for doing that.


You are basically saying that my frist assumption was not that far away from reality. You did asume it to be emo. Hence, my reaction is justified because I did react to what seemed to be an ignorant comment (which now seems to have come from a very smart person).



Now allow me to give a little advise to our friend here.


I like how intence it is. At times it becomes hard to follow but it is probably because of your coninious use of metaphor. I find that when writing it is better to write, forget about it for a while then read it over. Opinions change, just as people do. You might find something to reinforce your point while you were not thinking about your story.


Sadly I have very little expericence with texts with such emotional charge. I do find them depressing, and scary at times. My work is more oriented towards a more neutral goal, balance and that kind of stuff. But then again I have not experienced that which you experienced. I seriously like it, I think you should continue on. Think very little of what other people think. You are a writer, what you do the way you do it is meant to have some mind of meaning. So the opinion of others is of very little value at times because they don't really know what your true goal is. And they do not happen to see all the story unfold at the same time as it is being written.


One more thing. On things such as novels, it is probably not very wise to leak small pieces without some kind of background. I will show an example by the end of this post. the example shows a piece of my novel. It happens to be the introduction. I meant to show this part, rather than the actual begining of the story because it gives a general idea of what is going to happen without actually saying what is going to happen. It also sets up the location, and the general atmosphere of the novel.


here we go:


“Ladies, gentleman, and anything else clever enough to read these words, allow me to share the idea of me with you. I am the Oh-soh-Mightie-Creetor, not a name chosen by choice and if the choice were mine I would very likely chose it anyways. I, not the lord of any lands, not an entirely important figure to any one, or an entirely successful entity as far as entities of my kind go, thank you for allowing the following words to be observed by your eyes, perceived by your mind and hopefully spoken by your mouth. If these words were alive to the level to which they were able to stand up and speak for themselves rather than relying on their fellow words to rely a message, they would stand up and gently bow in prelude of the following show in which they all take a role. Furthermore allow me to explain why you are spending your time reading these words written by me and not those spoken or sung by anyone else.


I am a writer. Like any writer I profit from people reading my words instead of the words of someone else. Yet there is something special about my words. My words tell about Ojala, my world. Debating the true existence of this world is as pointless as debating the existence of an all powerful being whose say goes anywhere in the universe. As far as I am concerned Ojala exists, I exist, and these tales are as true as the smile of your favorite person. I find myself arguing pro the existence of Ojala because, by a mere coincidence, its creator was I. In a way I wrote Ojala as any one anywhere might have also written me. I am not what you may call a god; I am simply a writer doing what I love. Therefore, even though every setting, every situation, every place was conceived by me, the actions, the decisions and the final result is entirely someone else’s fault. I find the need to share these tales with you because I am proud of them, not because I wrote them, but because the characters, the settings and the world itself behaves to perfection and is worth sharing with anyone who is willing to read forth.“


Note how I set up the story first. I chose to show this part because it does so. I am yet to show (in these forums) the development of the actual story. doing so without setting up a background just leaves a lot of ground for misinterpretation. Just like happened with our little devating friend Mr. B.


( I should probably run this through a spell check, and maybe edit it. but I wont. Mr. B you may pick on my grammar skills if you wish)


OH! and 1 more thing. I apologize for turning this thread into a dogfight.

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Well, Branham, I'm interested in seeing your literature on this sight.


I wouldn't necessarily say it qualifies as literature. It's on LJ, so I treat it like a journal, writing what I feel like complaining about, or when it strikes me, what I feel like rambling about. I left links to what ramblings I do write in my posty if you're curious. =]

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Tou're right, a diary does not classify as literature. I think that Esteban understnads that it takes a fantastic degree of courage to put yourself out lke Alectrona did, and your joke was ill placed as the very first thing spoken about it. Extaban is a friandly intelligent guy and I have no interest in reading you 'picking him apart' neither does anyone else. Esteban is not antagonistic.


Alectrona, I think now would be the perfect time for you to start writing again on your 'good' days. Maybe you can vent some of the frustration and pain you are suffering through your characters. Next time you are online I'd love to talk to you about it.

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So, like, hi guys! How's about we just start all of this from scratch, huh? Wonderful writing, Alec. I look forward to seeing more on the forums very soon. smile.gif

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Tou're right, a diary does not classify as literature. I think that Esteban understnads that it takes a fantastic degree of courage to put yourself out lke Alectrona did, and your joke was ill placed as the very first thing  spoken about it. Extaban is a friandly intelligent guy and I have no interest in reading you 'picking him apart' neither does anyone else. Esteban is not antagonistic.


o_0 i thought they made up and everything is peachy?



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Just to clarify my comment wasn't jumping on Bran or Esteban for any comments made. Obviously it would be a bit dumb for me to jump on someone making a joke, seeing how I make some of the worst ones...maybe close tie with Ghalls...anyhow...


I just saw the thread start spinning out of control and wanted to try and bring it back to critique and/or praise posts. It's what I would've wanted if I posted anything that I wrote.


Btw. Bran! I just want to give you a hug after reading your first LJ! I'm sorry I didn't read 'em all yet, but I plan to when I have time. I'm gonna order you a box of razors so you can get your creative juices flowing! (How's THAT for a bad joke!)

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this thread needs to be locked x_x


well alec i encourage you to keep writing, i'd love to know how your story continues. i'm also interested in hearing the facts and quotes you spoke of from other people and professionals, that seems quite intruiging. if you ever need someone to edit it for ya i'd love to! =]

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I don't see why this thread should be locked. I do not see any head bashing. Personally I did not feel threatened by Bran's comment and I think he is a fine devater, made some very good points and I do agree that the both of us jumped to wrong assumptions. He challenged me and I answered, just like any gentleman would.


And as for Alec's side of this I think you could pick up a lot from what was discussed on this thread. A good writer is also a great reader. Being able to pick appart the things that other people say/do is a valuable skill for a writer. I agree with Klaudia in that you should continue writing Alec.



says I as I drink my cup of tea before my phil class.

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-shrug- its just gotten rather off topic and fiesty~!



haha, Klaudia complaining about threads going off topic!


That's it, I'm done...that was the last sign of apocalypse...if you need me I'll be in my bunker!

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haha, Klaudia complaining about threads going off topic!  


That's it, I'm done...that was the last sign of apocalypse...if you need me I'll be in my bunker!


LOL shhhhhh, i'm trying to improve on it ok =-[

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-shrug- its just gotten rather off topic and fiesty~!



haha, Klaudia complaining about threads going off topic!


That's it, I'm done...that was the last sign of apocalypse...if you need me I'll be in my bunker!


does your bunker have a wii??


if so i'm coming with ya buddy

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zomg posted a response to a diff thread on this thread. wtffff


wii sounds like fun.


hahahaha get it? WEEEEEE!@

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Tou're right, a diary does not classify as literature. I think that Esteban understnads that it takes a fantastic degree of courage to put yourself out lke Alectrona did, and your joke was ill placed as the very first thing  spoken about it. Extaban is a friandly intelligent guy and I have no interest in reading you 'picking him apart' neither does anyone else. Esteban is not antagonistic.


Alectrona, I think now would be the perfect time for you to start writing again on your 'good' days. Maybe you can vent some of the frustration and pain you are suffering through your characters. Next time you are online I'd love to talk to you about it.


o_0 Silly. I understand what it takes to put yourself out there, there's a link to my private journal for anyone to read.


And uh, if you don't want to read it, don't. Regardless of what you think, I believe he had no right to be so offensive in his response, nor was he in the right to call either me or my post ignorant. He did exactly what I did, but in an overtly negative way. So I informed him of this. I'm normally extremely chill and laugh about drama going on, but when someone makes the assumption that I'm less intelligent than them, or my posts are on a lower degree because I aimed for a bit of humor, then I will most definitely get antagonistic, and deservedly so.


For serious though, everyones gotten their response in at the post, it's a dead horse, leave it be. Alec and I have talked it out, and at that point it's really quite silly for you to still be continuing it, so lets stick to the original topic. =]

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Hey, Van, while you're in your bunker you still need to beat Xenosaga 2. You're missing the samurai fight scene.

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Thank you everyone for your comments and thoughts. Este you made a great point, and yes, i will take a lot of what everyone said into consideration in both my writing and editing.

Klaud, I'll definitely keep you updated on that one!



Thankies! Yes, I would love to talk to you about it all more in depth. Unfortunately, we haven't really had the time lately to have our usual conversations, and I miss them dearly. I will PST you next time i'm on and if you aren't busy, we can chat.

<3 Alec



How many people fit in this bunker? IS this gonna be like how many FPs can you fit in a one man bunker? I think this might go awry.

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Worst part is all Van will put in his one-man bunker is men. tongue.gif


On second thought, I changed my mind. I think I'll pass on the bunker invite. Too much beef.

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There is never a reason to be antagonistic when someone states an opinion. Even if it is one pointed at you that you dont agree with. I mean, were you not defending your right to an opinion? If you feel it was misinformed I feel your future posts did little to counter his initial statement. Try sticking to topic, it was a mispalced comment on a post that is more then 'FUFPFTMFW LEET BBQ WWWWWWIIIIII"


You saw your comment as appropriate, and as far as Im concerned, I saw Esteban response appropriate. Next time Bran, on a post such as this please try to reflect more on what is written then the emotion the writer left you with. Unless you plan to state it in more then one word and an emote.

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o_0  Silly.  I understand what it takes to put yourself out there, there's a link to my private journal for anyone to read.  


And uh, if you don't want to read it, don't.  Regardless of what you think, I believe he had no right to be so offensive in his response, nor was he in the right to call either me or my post ignorant.  He did exactly what I did, but in an overtly negative way.  So I informed him of this.  I'm normally extremely chill and laugh about drama going on, but when someone makes the assumption that I'm less intelligent than them, or my posts are on a lower degree because I aimed for a bit of humor, then I will most definitely get antagonistic, and deservedly so.


For serious though, everyones gotten their response in at the post, it's a dead horse, leave it be.  Alec and I have talked it out, and at that point it's really quite silly for you to still be continuing it, so lets stick to the original topic. =]


Seriously bro.. did you read my super long post? I really doubt you did. You continue to stand on the basis that my comment was a offence towards you. I meerely took your post to point out that such kind of comments were insensible and shouldn't happen. If you knew me well enough, you'd understand that bashing a single person is not my style.


Aelora: Reflecting on the emotion the writer left you with is a very important thing to do. It says a lot about various aspects of the work; such as atmosphere, theme and tone. However, not elavorating on said comment is iresponsible.

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NExt person to post soimething negative oin this thread is ggetting a picture of my balls

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There is never a reason to be antagonistic when someone states an opinion. Even if it is one pointed at you that you dont agree with. I mean, were you not defending your right to an opinion? If you feel it was misinformed I feel your future posts did little to counter his initial statement. Try sticking to topic, it was a mispalced comment on a post that is more then 'FUFPFTMFW LEET BBQ WWWWWWIIIIII"  


You saw your comment as appropriate, and as far as Im concerned, I saw Esteban response appropriate. Next time Bran, on a post such as this please try to reflect more on what is written then the emotion the writer left you with. Unless you plan to state it in more then one word and an emote.


shhhh. let it go dude. alec and i are cool dude. we're straight now.

i think i'll respond how i please. if i only want to mention the emotion left, i think thats up to my disgression. you disgression nazi.orsomething


o_0  Silly.  I understand what it takes to put yourself out there, there's a link to my private journal for anyone to read.  


And uh, if you don't want to read it, don't.  Regardless of what you think, I believe he had no right to be so offensive in his response, nor was he in the right to call either me or my post ignorant.  He did exactly what I did, but in an overtly negative way.  So I informed him of this.  I'm normally extremely chill and laugh about drama going on, but when someone makes the assumption that I'm less intelligent than them, or my posts are on a lower degree because I aimed for a bit of humor, then I will most definitely get antagonistic, and deservedly so.


For serious though, everyones gotten their response in at the post, it's a dead horse, leave it be.  Alec and I have talked it out, and at that point it's really quite silly for you to still be continuing it, so lets stick to the original topic. =]


Seriously bro.. did you read my super long post? I really doubt you did. You continue to stand on the basis that my comment was a offence towards you. I meerely took your post to point out that such kind of comments were insensible and shouldn't happen. If you knew me well enough, you'd understand that bashing a single person is not my style.


Aelora: Reflecting on the emotion the writer left you with is a very important thing to do. It says a lot about various aspects of the work; such as atmosphere, theme and tone. However, not elavorating on said comment is iresponsible.


i lr2nr34d many a year ago. i read it. i gotcha dude, it's straight. =]


NExt person to post soimething negative oin this thread is ggetting a picture of my balls


tom. YOU"RE SO DRUNK. i filled this thread with love for you

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NExt person to post soimething negative oin this thread is ggetting a picture of my balls


you're SO DRUNK

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