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Here is a few images of the Edge of the world. This is located at the tunnel that leads under Ironfroge, from the farmlands on the northern side of the mountains. (You fly over it when going from Menethil to IF)







Shot of Ghost as he freefalls off the Edge of the World.






Here was just a stunt I thought would be fun to do, I lured Teremus into the center of Nethergarde, where he went to destroying all the guards, I eventually got him into each of the buildings (both sides of the keep) and even into the tower. He got stuck in the tower though. While he was stuck in the tower I actually was able to get him to 60% health before the Evade bug kicked in. There was a pally watching me as I was doing this, laughing his ass off =). I actually plan to try this again sometime wink.gif







Hmm. a litter of kittens trying to nurse from a griffin? Guess it was meal time.






Speaking of meal time, here was my stupidity in playing with dragons again. I followed this guy until he was near the edge of the cliffs in Azseroth. Where I thought I would be smart and attack him, then jump over the edge to the safety of the water below. Didn't quite go as planned, as He got a nice 2 hits on me for 1500 each, leaving me with a whole 150 hitpoints as I fell out of his reach, and, missing the water, hit the beach for 180 damage. Next time...






Now, if only I could have found a giant rolled up newspaper to kill it.






Here you see me, having to serve as the ships figurehead, to pay for my seafare. How was I suppose to know those gold coins I handed the captain were just foil wrapped chocolates.






Honestly, I have no idea what got into Ghost this day, he just had this mood where he wanted to be Flamboyant. Or it could have been that troll he ate that morning.






Not much to say about this one, other then I just really like the shot.






And here is a final shot, this one I found funny, as when I targeted my character's name..... Well take a look, apparently Dwarves sell for a silver and 25 copper each at the Auction House.



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I believe the going rate for dwarves is MUCH higher, I say a bajillion million gold, give or take. tongue.gif

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Actually, Erlin, it really depends on the type of dwarf we're talking about here.


If it's a lvl 60 Dwarven priest, then the value is approx. 300,000 Gold


A level 2 Dwarf however, would be worth around 1.5 silver. tongue.gif

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laugh.gif your name makes me want to play starcraft and put siege tanks and full bunkers at the entrance to my base for a nice cushion

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Heh, I came up with this name from the Starcraft siege tanks. I've gotten a bit nostalgic about the game, so if you're up for a round send me a tell. :wink:

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