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Hey guys,

In case u are wondering why I havent been online lately....


1. I moved

2. My account was hacked during the move.....


So, yeah.....I have a petition going to Blizzard, going to do some kind of account retrieval thing .....


I logged onto the forums and found out that my account had been banned for 72 hours for racial slurs .... and so that tipped me off that someone had been on my account....I wasnt able to log in again until Saturday ..and that's when i got REALLY depressed.....I'm missing 12 epics on my hunter and all my brother's pally gear/ weapons are missing....Whoever did this also /gquit my guild and my bro's guild....

Hopefully i'll get my stuff back.....I miss playing WoW....I feel lost ...lol

I can't beleive that this even happened......All that time i spent on Gwenevere and now she is missing alot of stuff sad.gif


Anyway, just wanted to say hey to u guys and let u know what happened, hopefully i'll be back online in a week or so , im still trying to get internet service set up here...../sigh....../cry......Im slowly going insane.....

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That's the most horrid feeling . . . I know, I was hacked once before. Really sorry to hear it happened to someone we all know and like. Good luck with Blizzard. They should be able to assist you because you were quick in catching the sitauation. Let us know how it goes.

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