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Well, apparently the devs had a meeting at the begining of the week, and have come to a consensus on the future of the Paladin class. For those of you who don't browse the forums, here are some planned changes in 1.7:





- Added new spell - Paladin Hug - attaches the Paladin to the target for 10 seconds, keeping the paladin within melee range of the target for the duration. While attached, the Paladin can only attack with the new Forehead Smack attack.


- Added new ability - Forehead Smack - Deals 1 point of damage per 10 points of armor on the Paladin's helm.


- Added new ranged spell - Harsh Language - Paladin says really mean things about the target, dealing 'emotional' damage.


- New Seal added: Seal of Indifference - Fills the paladin with holy apathy. While active, the paladin's hearthstone can not be interrupted by taking damage. (Solved the divine shield/hearth problem by making divine shield unnecessary!) Judging this seal will give any action taken by the target a random chance of failure. Or not. I don't care.


- Added New Spell - Divine Retribution - Does 100% damage in a 20 yard radius. Kills the paladin. The body gets incinerated in the blast. Thus making the paladin to ressurect at the graveyard. They'll be no body to walk back to. People that died in the blast wave however can go back to their corpse. Casting Divine Shield while using this spell will contain the explosion, affecting only the Paladin. The radius can be expanded, at the cost of not bieng able to ressurect for 1 day/ft.


- Replaced talent trees with in-game coloring books.(You get stickers if you do well =D)


- Fixed a bug where players could not purge Divine sheild.


- Lightforge Helm graphic changed: Added propeller to top.


- Added ability for Paladins to dual weild shields.


- New icons for Seal of the Crusader, Lay on Hands, Blessing of Light, Blessing of Sanctuary, Redemption, Consecration, Holy Shock, Sanctity Aura, Concentration Aura, Divine Protection, Cleanse, Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Divine Favor, to distinguish these abilities from Priest abilities with the same artwork.






Lovingly ripped from:


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I especially like the dual weilding shields tongue.gif

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I'de love to get a pally hug!

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