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AIM Logs - Mages, Warlocks, Rogues and Paladins in Burning Crusade - updated  8/23/06 @01:12

Seems to be pretty legit information- the 'friends-and-family' private alpha of the expansion was released today. The guy is in the process of playing through the alpha on different characters, talking to trainers to see new abilities, etc. The only talents currently available are for mages- the only class he's levelled to 10 thus far.


I chopped out the AIM nicks.




State of the current testing:

[23:18] : limited to blood elf 1-20 right now

[23:18] : to test the starting area

[23:18] : in like 2 weeks it'll be draenei 1-20

[23:18] : then like 2 weeks after that it'll be everything 60-70



Post-60 Spells:

[17:24] : Looking at new mage spells

[17:25] : you're getting invisibility tongue.gif

[17:25] : level 68

[17:25] me: what's the catch?

[17:25] : can only see other invisible targets and people who can see invisible targets

[17:25] : lasts 20 secs, 5 min cooldown

[17:26] : seems like an escape ability mostly

[17:26] me: what else?

[17:26] : arcane blast

[17:26] : this is interesting

[17:26] : rank 1 is at level 64, dunno if there's more ranks

[17:26] : starts out as a 2.5 sec cast, 190 mana cost

[17:26] : does 463 to 537 arcane damage

[17:26] : but

[17:27] : each time you cast it

[17:27] : within 8 seconds of each other

[17:27] : the cast time goes down and the mana cost goes up

[17:27] me: cool

[17:27] : and at level 70

[17:27] : you get spellsteal

[17:27] : instant cast, 52 mana cost

[17:27] : Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.

[17:28] me: sweet

[17:28] me: work in pve?

[17:28] : dunno

[17:28] : but imagine stealing like

[17:28] : Blessing of Freedom tongue.gif

[17:28] me: does it dispell them of the buff?

[17:28] : dunno, I assume so

[17:29] : looks like the AQ20 ranks are trainable at level 62

[17:29] me: well of course

[17:29] me: only makes sense

[17:29] : yea

[17:29] : well it means you can still get them early

[17:29] : but not much point

[17:29] me: yeah

[17:29] me: do you see this in patchnotes or something?

[17:30] : no I'm looking at it at the mage trainer tongue.gif

[17:29] : ooh

[17:29] : molten armor

[17:29] : level 62

[17:30] : causes 60 to 90 fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee attacks and spells by 10%

[17:32] : ice lance

[17:32] : level 66

[17:32] : 1.5 sec cast, 150 mana

[17:32] : deals 219 to 281 frost damage to an enemy target. Damage is increased by 200% against frozen targets.



[23:27] : first of all, the new talents start right alongside the current 31-point talents

[23:28] me: yeah?

[23:28] me: you allowed to get 21/31 talents etc?

[23:28] : so the first ones are all in the same tier as like arcane power

[23:28] : it looks like you'll be able to do that yeah


[23:28] : arcane talents

[00:58] : tier 5

[00:58] : improved blink: reduces mana cost of blink by 25/50%

[00:58] : tier 6:  

[00:58] : arcane potency: increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Arcane spells by 33/66/100%

[23:28] : tier 7

[23:28] : student of magic: reduces the mana cost of all arcane spells by 5/10/15%

[23:29] : prismatic cloak: reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3/4/5%

[23:29] : tier 8

[23:29] : mind mastery: increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect O_O

[23:30] : tier 9 (41-point): Slow: reduces targets movement speed by 50% and attack/casting speed by 20% for 15 sec

[23:37] : 20sec cooldown on that btw

[23:37] : now that I look at slow

[23:38] : it only costs 68 mana, is instant cast, and has no cooldown


[23:30] : fire talents

[00:59] : tier 5

[00:59] : Playing with Fire: Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and all spell damage taken by 2/4/6%

[01:00] : tier 6 for fire is badass:

[01:01] : Blazing Speed: Gives you a 5/10% chance when hit by a melee or ranged attack to increase your movement speed by 50% and make you immune to movement impairing effects. This effect lasts 8 seconds.

[23:30] : tier 7

[23:31] : Burnout: increases the damage and mana cost of all spells by (I'm guessing) 2/4/6% after you hit a Dazed opponent with a Fire spell

[23:32] : Molten Blood: Increases your chance to resist Bleed and Poison effects and effectiveness of Molten Armor by 6/12/18/24/30%

[23:32] : Kinda weird

[23:32] : Tier 8

[23:32] : Empowered Fireball: Your Fireball spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects

[23:32] : Tier 9: Dragon's Breath: Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 278 to 322 fire damage and are disoriented for 3 sec


[23:33] : Frost talents

[01:02] : Tier 5:

[01:02] : Frozen Core: Reduces the damage taken by Frost and Fire effects by 2/4/6%

[01:02] : Tier 6:

[01:03] : Ice Floes: Reduces the cooldown of your Cone of Cold, Cold Snap, Ice Barrier and Ice Block spells by 10/20%

[23:33] : Tier 7

[23:34] : Cold Hearted: Increases damage of all spells against wounded targets by 10/20/30%

[23:34] : I have no idea what a wounded target is

[23:34] me:

[23:34] : Ahh nice

[23:34] : Arctic Winds: Reduces the chance melee and ranged attacks will hit you by 1/2/3/4/5%

[23:34] : Tier 8

[23:34] : Empowered Frostbolt - identical to empowered fireball

[23:35] me: ah

[23:35] : Tier 9: Summon Water Elemental, summons a water elemental to fight for the caster, that's all it says =(

[23:35] me: badass

[23:35] me: anything else?

[23:35] : not that I can tell



[21:36] : looking at new warlock spells

[21:36] : Soulshatter (66): Reduces threat by 30% for all enemies. (2 health, Soul Shard, 5 min. cooldown.)  

[21:37] : lol ok

[21:47] : Locks getting two new dots... one that does 310 dmg +gear if it gets dispelled, one that does 1110-1290 damage in a 15 yard aoe if it isn't dispelled

[22:12] : Incinerate (64): Deals 357 to 413 Fire damage to your target and an additional 89 to 104 Fire damage if the target is affected by an Immolate spell. (256 mana, 2.5s.)  



[22:43] : they get an ability called Deadly Throw

[22:43] : which is basically an eviscerate, except it's ranged and does thrown damage + an amount

[22:44] : 5-point DT is thrown damage + 468-564

[22:44] : Mutilate, 60 energy, daggers, instantly attacks with both weapons and gives 2 combo points

[22:45] : Shiv, instant off-hand attack that gives a 100% chance for the offhand poison to be applied, energy cost depends on weapon speed

[22:45] : anasthetic poison, 30% chance of reducing threat by a moderate amount, 120 charges



[22:48] : paladins get some weird stuff

[22:48] : 10% of all healing done to them by other people is given to them as mana

[22:48] : I would assume to help tanking

[22:48] : blessing of spell warding, makes the target immune to magical attacks but they're silenced

[22:49] : crusader aura, increases mounted speed of all party members within 40 yards by 20%

[22:50] : seal of blood, all the paladin attacks do an additional 30% weapon damage as holy damage, but paladin loses 10% health of the total damage inflicted

[22:51] : and Avenging Wrath, which is pretty much just Deathwish



[23:40] : oh btw there's this totally sick herb in the BE starting area

[23:40] : called bloodthistle

[23:40] me: yeah?

[23:40] : it increases your spell damage and healing by a small amount for 10 minutes

[23:40] : but

[23:40] : when it wears off

[23:40] me: the herb does this?

[23:40] : yeah

[23:40] : but when it wears off you get a 15 min debuff called "bloodthistle withdrawal" that reduces your spirit by 5 tongue.gif

[23:40] : BE's = potheads


[23:54] me: how's the zone look?

[23:55] : badass

[00:00] : umm... the blood elf male ears bounce in even more annoying a way than the night elf

[00:00] : and they have three basic types of hairstyle

[00:00] : you can be Elrond

[00:00] : you can be Legolas

[00:00] : or you can be OMGDRAGONBALLZSUPERKONNICHIWASAN ^_______________^;;;;

[00:01] : (I picked Elrond)


[00:18] : also the blood elf dance is 100x more ridiculous in person

[00:19] me: napoleon dynomite?

[00:19] : yeah

[00:19] : it's awesome


-AQ20 spell ranks are trainable starting at level 62.





Molten Armor

Level 62

Causes 60 to 90 fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by attacks and spells by 10%.


Arcane Blast

Level 64

2.5 sec cast, 190 mana

Deals 463 to 537 arcane damage. Each time you cast the spell within 8 seconds of each other the cast time does down and the mana cost goes up.


Ice Lance

Level 66

1.5 sec cast, 150 mana

Deals 219 to 281 frost damage to an enemy target. Damage is increased by 200% against frozen targets.



Level 68

Gain invisibility for 20 seconds. You can only see other invisible targets and people who can see invisible targets. 5 Minute Cooldown.


Spell Speal

Level 70

Instant cast, 52 mana

Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.


Mage talents:


Arcane Tree-

Tier 5-

Improved Blink: Reduces the mana cost of Blink by 25%/50%.

Tier 6-

Arcane Potency: Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Arcane spells by 33/66/100%.

Tier 7-

Student of Magic: Reduces the mana cost of all arcane spells by 5/10/15%.

Prismatic Cloak: Reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Tier 8-

Mind Mastery: Increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect.

tier 9-

Slow: Instant cast, no cooldown, 68 mana. Reduces targets movement speed by 50% and attack and casting speed by 20% for 15 sec.


Fire Tree-

Tier 5-

Playing with Fire: Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and all spell damage taken by 2/4/6%.

Tier 6-

Blazing Speed: Gives you a 5/10% chance when hit by a melee or ranged attack to increase your movement speed by 50% and make you immune to movement impairing effects. This effect lasts 8 seconds.

Tier 7-

Burnout: Increases the damage and mana cost of all spells by 2/4/6% after you hit a Dazed opponent with a Fire spell.

Molten Blood: Increases your chance to resist Bleed and Poison effects and effectiveness of Molten Armor by 6/12/18/24/30%.

Tier 8-

Empowered Fireball: Your Fireball spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.

Tier 9-

Dragon's Breath: Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 278 to 322 fire damage and are disoriented for 3 sec. (no cooldown, mana cost, etc. given)


Frost Tree-

Tier 5-

Frozen Core: Reduces the damage taken by Frost and Fire effects by 2/4/6%.

Tier 6-

Ice Floes: Reduces the cooldown of your Cone of Cold, Cold Snap, Ice Barrier and Ice Block spells by 10/20%.

Tier 7-

Cold Hearted: Increases damage of all spells against wounded targets by 10/20/30%.

Arctic Winds: Reduces the chance melee and ranged attacks will hit you by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Tier 8-

Empowered Frostbolt: Your Frostbolt spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.

Tier 9-

Summon Water Elemental: Summons a water elemental to fight for the caster.






Level 64

2.5 sec cast, 256 mana

Deals 357 to 413 Fire damage to your target and an additional 89 to 104 Fire damage if the target is affected by an Immolate spell.



Level 66

2(?) health, Soul Shard

Reduces threat by 30% for all enemies. 5 min cooldown.


2 new DoTs. Names unknown. Damage types unknown. If they are magic/curse is also unknown.

-One does 310 damage if its gets dispelled. (effected by +dmg gear)

-The other does 1110-1290 damage in a 15 yard around the target if not dispelled.





Deadly Throw

Finishing move

Similar to viscerate, except it's ranged and does thrown damage + an amount. 5 combo points does thrown damage + 468-564.



60 energy

Requires daggers

Instantly attacks with both weapons and awards 2 combo points.



Instant off-hand attack that gives a 100% chance for the offhand poison to be applied. Energy cost scales with weapon speed.


Anasthetic Poison

120 charges

30% chance of reducing threat by a moderate amount.





10% of all healing done to them by other people is given to them as mana. (Possible seal? Doesn't say.)


Blessing of Spell Warding

Target is immune to magical attacks, but silenced.


Crusader Aura

Increases mounted speed of all party members within 40 yards by 20%.


Seal of Blood

All the paladin's attack do an additional 30% weapon damage as holy damage, but the paladin loses 10% health of the total damage done.


Avenging Wrath

Similar to Deathwish.

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More Paly stuff:


(01:42:53) DRiE6969: Spiritual Attunement (66): Gives the Paladin mana when healed by other friendly targets. The amount of mana gained is equal to 10% of the amount healed.


Blessing of Spell Warding (6: A targeted party member is protected from all magical attacks for 10 sec, but during that time they are Silenced. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time. Once protected, the target cannot be made invulnerable by Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Blessing of Spell Warding, or Blessing of Protection again for 1 min.


Crusader Aura (64): Increases the mounted speed by 20% for all party members within 40 yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.


Seal of Blood (64): All melee attacks deal additional Holy damage equal to 30% of normal weapon damage, but the Paladin loses health equal to 10% of the total damage inflicted. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 409 to 451 Holy damage at the cost of 136 to 151 health.


Avenging Wrath (70): Increases all damage caused by 30% for 20 sec. Causes Forebearance.


(01:43:02) DRiE6969: New Talents:




Pure of Heart, requires 20, 3 point talent


Increases the paladin's chance to resist curse/disease by 5(10/15?)%


Purifying Power, requires 25, 2 point talent


Reduces the mana cost of Consecration and Cleanse by 5(10?)%, and increases the critical strike chance of Holy Wrath and Exorcism by 10(20?)%


Blessed Life, requires 30, 5 point talent


All attacks against you have a 2(10?)% chance to cause half damage


Light's Grace, requires 35, 3 point talent


Your Holy Light has a 33(100?)% chance to cause our next Holy Light spell cast within 15 seconds take .5 seconds less casting time.


Holy Guidance, requires 35, 5 point talent


Your damage/healing is increased by 7(35)% of your Int.


Divine Illumination, requires 40, 1 point talent


Reduces mana costs of all spells by 50% for 20 seconds, 2 minute cooldown.

(01:43:13) DRiE6969: rotection


Improved Resistance Auras, requires 20 points, 2 point talent


Your resistance auras also reduce spell damage by additional 3(6?)%


Improved Divine Shield, requires 25, 2 point talent


Lowers the cooldown for Divine Shield by 30 (60?) seconds, and lowers the attack speed penalty by 50(100?)%.


Ardent Defender, requires 30, 5 point talent


When your health is below 20(100???)%, reduces all damage against you by 10%


Ed: I have no idea which part scales, but a perma defensive stance doesn't seem hideously out of line, and makes deep prot a whole new level of appealing.


Lasting Defense, requires 35, 3 point talent


When struck by a melee attack, you have a 4(12?)% chance to gain 50% of the damage taken in mana.


Weapon Expertise, requires 35, 5 point talent


Increases skill iwth all weapons by 2(10?)


Avenger's Shield, requires 40, 1 point talent


range 8-30 (shooting range), Requires shield, 30 sec cooldown


(Listed are from the talent, it may scale with level, there don't seem to be any ranks on the trainer)


500 mana, 270-330 damage.


Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing listed damage, and then bouncing to additional close targets. Affects 3 targets total.

(01:43:22) DRiE6969: Retribution


Crusade, requires 20, 3 point talent


Increaes all damage to Humaniod, Undead, Demon and Elemential foes by 1(3?)%


Improved Sanctity Aura, requires 25 and Sanctity Aura, 2 point talent


The amount of healing done to targets affected by Sanctity Aura is increased by 3(6)%


Divine Purpose, requires 30, 5 point


Decrease the chance that melee and ranged attacks will critically hit you by 1(5?)%.


Empowered Judgement, requires 35, 3 point


Gives your Judgement a 33(100?)% chance to refund 50% of the mana cost of th judged spell


Fanaticism, requires 35, 5 point


Increases the critical strike chance of Seal of Command and all damaging Judgements by 2(10)%


Sanctified Crusader, requires 40, 1 point


In addition to the normal effect, your Judgement of the Crusader will increase the critical strike chance of all attacks made vs the judged target by an additional 2%


And Druid Stuff:



Frenzied Regeneration now scales with stamina. For Rank 3, each point of rage is now converted to 17 health plus some percentage of your stamina (looks like 1%).

Moonfury's tooltip now reads increases damage to all Balance damage spells, which means it probably is now applied after bonus spell damage effects.

Travel Form model has been changed to a stag.

No word about Stormcrow Form, but I wouldn't rule it out as a level 70 flying mount.



Balance Talents


Tier 5

Gusting Winds: Increases the damage done by your Cyclone and Hurricane spells by 10/20/30%.


Tier 6

Dreamstate: Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.


Tier 7

Improved Moonkin Form: Requires 1 point in Moonkin Form. Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and reduces the base mana cost of Moonkin Form by 5/10/15%. Note: This means Moonkin now costs as much as Travel and Aquatic Forms.

Strength of the Moon: Increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect.


Tier 8

Empowered Starfire: Your Starfire spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.


Tier 9

Force of Nature (Rank 1): The force of nature radiates from the Druid, silencing enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec. and causing 192-212 Nature damage. Note: 2 minute cooldown.



Feral Combat Talents


Tier 5

Feral Recovery: All healing effects on you are increased by 10/20%. In addition, the act of shapeshifting has a 25/50% chance to remove one harmful effect.


Tier 6

Primal Instinct: Increases your chance to resist stun, charm, and trap effects by 3/6/9/12/15%.


Tier 7

Animal Reflexes: Increases your agility by 2/4/6/8/10% while in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms.

Predatory Will: Reduces the cooldown of Growl and increases the duration of Tigers Fury by 1/2 sec.


Tier 8

Heightened Senses: Increases your attack power by up to 10/20/30/40/50% of your intellect.


Tier 9

Scent of the Pack: Reduces damage taken in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 0.4%, and increases damage done in Cat Form by 0.6% for every party or raid member within 45 yards with Mark of the Wild or Gift of the Wild active.





Tier 6

Natural Resilience: Increases your mana regeneration while in all forms by 10/20/30%.


Tier 7

Healing Mastery: Increases the critical effect chance of your healing spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Improved Innervate: Reduces the cooldown of Innervate by 20/40/60 sec.


Tier 8

Nature's Reprieve: Gives you a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of your spell after healing a wounded target with Healing Touch, Regrowth, or Swiftmend.


Tier 9

Harmonize: Distributes damage taken by party members within 30 yards between the party while in effect. Note: Its a self cast buff that lasts up to 30 seconds.


New Base Spells


Cyclone (Balance): Throws your target into the air, disorienting the target and causing Nature damage over 3 seconds but making the target immune to other damage during that time.

Mangle (Cat Form): Stuns the enemy and deals damage per combo point.

Feral Strike (Bear Form): An attack that deals damage and converts each extra point of rage into damage and causes a high amount of threat.

Enervate (Restoration): Drains mana, energy, or rage every second for 20 seconds.

Control Beast (Balance): Controls a beast up to level 77 but increases the time between attacks by 25%. Lasts up to 1 min.

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Can't verify any of this. Ripped from the Immo forums. The first post and the paly stuff looks like it all came from a Alpha tester in a AIM conversation.

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Wow, if that's true...



Pally tanking made possible? Protection actually seems quite awesome.


Oh...and nerf future mages 8)

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- Protection Tree -


Has been removed from the game. You have been replaced by Feral Druids and Paladins.

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- Protection Tree -  


Has been removed from the game. You have been replaced by Feral Druids and Paladins.


Its gonna happen, they will give us awesome talents and just be like nope too good, nope even better, nope that acctaully means they can do a tiny bit of damage.

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lolol.. i've been saying since the day blizzard said expansion... that we are getting invis back... lol and look at all the rediculas new spells and talents we are getting.. LOLOL...


Ummmmmmm excuse me while I got get a box of klenex and some lotion....

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lolol.. i've been saying since the day blizzard said expansion... that we are getting invis back... lol and look at all the rediculas new spells and talents we are getting.. LOLOL...  


Ummmmmmm excuse me while I got get a box of klenex and some lotion....


I left em on the counter

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Bah! If it's not a hunter or mage, who cares? lol


But the Dragon's Breath thing sounds pretty cool. Might have to level my mage now...

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People complain about warlocks being over powered in PvP now...


According to the new spells, and talent reports... their PvE utility has gone up, maybe .5%... PvP however... let the whining commence...

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New Enchants:


Enchant Ring - Striking: Permanently enchant ring to increase weapon damage by 2.

Enchant Ring - Spellpower: Permanently enchant a ring to increase spell damage by up to 1.

Enchant Ring - Healing Power: Permanently enchant a ring to increase healing spells by up to 1.

Enchant Ring - Stats: Permanently enchant a ring to increase all stats by 1.


Enchant Shield - Tough Shield: Permanently enchant a shield to give 18 additional block value.

Enchant Shield - Intellect: Permanently enchant a shield to give 12 intellect.

Enchant Shield - Shield Block: Permanently enchant a shield to give +15 Shield Block Rating.

Enchant Shield - Resistance: Permanently enchant a shield to increase resistance to all magic schools by 5.


Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats: Permanently enchant a piece of chest armor to add 6 to all stats.

Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health: Permanently enchant a piece of chest armor to grant +150 health.

Enchant Chest - Exceptional Mana: Permanently enchant a piece of chest armor to grant +150 mana.


Enchant Cloak - Major Armor: Permanently enchant a cloak to give 120 additional armor.

Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase all Resistances by 7.


Enchant Weapon - Major Spirit: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Spirit by 35.

Enchant Weapon - Major Striking: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to do 7 additional points of damage.

Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to grant +30 Intellect.

Enchant Weapon - Potency: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to add 20 Strength.

Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to add up to 40 damage to all spells.

Enchant Weapon - Sunfire: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to add up to 50 damage to fire and arcane spells.

Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to add up to 54 damage to frost and shadow spells.

Enchant Weapon - Mongoose: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack speed slightly.

Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to have a 3% chance on spellcast to restore 100 mana to all party members of 10 seconds.

Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster: Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to occasionaly heal the entire party of 50 health over 10 seconds when an enemy is struck.


Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery: Permanently enchant a Two Handed Melee Weapon to add 70 Attack Power.

Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility: Permanently enchant a Two Handed Melee Weapon to add 35 Agility.


Enchant Bracer - Brawn: Permanently enchants bracers to increase Strength by 12.

Enchant Bracer - Stats: Permanently enchants bracers to increase all Stats by 4.

Enchant Bracer - Major Defense: Permanently enchants bracers to increase your defense by 8.

Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing: Permanently enchants bracers to increase the effect of your healing spells by up to 30.

Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime: Permanently enchants bracers to restore 1 mana every 5 seconds.

Enchant Bracer - Fortitude: Permanently enchants bracers to give 1 Stamina.

Enchant Bracer - Spellpower: Permanently enchant bracers to increase spell damage by up to 1.


Enchant Boots - Vitality: Permanently enchant boots to restore 4 health and mana every 5 seconds.

Enchant Boots - Fortitude: Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 12.

Enchant Boots - Dexterity: Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 12.

Enchant Boots - Surefooted: Permanently enchant boots to increase snare and root resistance by 5% and increase chance to hit by 1%.

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Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime: Permanently enchants bracers to restore 1 mana every 5 seconds.


There is already +4 mana / 5 from Argent Dawn. Boo.

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Yeah it must be a type since the new +healing to bracers is more than the existing one. either that, or it's a lower level enchant, which would be odd

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Flask of Mighty Restoration

Increases the player's mana regeneration by 70 mana per 5 seconds for 2 hour. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists though death.


Flask of Relenetless Assault

Increases the player's attack power by 360 for 2 hour. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists though death.


Flask of Arcane Fortification

Increases the player's resistance to arcane spells by 75 and health regeneration by 40 every 5 seconds for 2 hour. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists though death.


Flask of Shadow Fortification

Increases the player's resistance to shadow spells by 75 and health regeneration by 40 every 5 seconds for 2 hour. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists though death.


Flask of Fortification

Increases the player's maximum health by 1500 and Defense Rating by 30 for 2 hour. You can only have the effect of one flask at a time. This effect persists though death.




Spellfire Tailoring

Allows a tailor to make special fire and arcane armor that is unavailable to a normal tailor.


Mooncloth Tailoring

Allows a tailor to make special healing and mana restorative armor that is unavailable to a normal tailor.


Shadoweave Tailoring

Allows a tailor to make special frost and shadow armor that is unavailable to a normal tailor.




Fel Armor

Rank 2

Requires Level 69

Self 2050 Mana

Instant cast

Surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing spell damage by 100 and resistance to Silence and Interrupt effects by 10%. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 min.


Seed of Corruption

Rank 1

Requires Level 70

30 yd range 882 Mana

2.0 sec cast

Imbeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing 1044 Shadow damage over 18 sec. When the target takes 1044 total damage, the seed will inflict 1110-1291 Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target.




TONS more stuff. Still going through all the stuff on Curse. All kinds of crazy engineering gadgets and potions.


Schematic: Critter Enlarger

Schematic: Crashin' Thrashin' Robot

Schematic: Remote Mail Terminal

Formula: Sneaking Potion

Formula: Elixir of Major Frost Power

Forumila: Haste Potion

Plans: Adamantite Sharpening Stone

Plans: Greater Rune of Shielding

Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike

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Major Arcane Protection Potion

Major Fire Protection Potion

Major Frost Protection Potion

Major Holy Protection Potion

Major Nature Protection Potion

Major Shadow Protection Potion

*These absorb 2800-4000 damage


Major Dreamless Sleep Potion: Puts the imbiber in a dreamless sleep for 12 sec. During that time the imbiber heals 3600 health and 3600 mana.

Elixir of Major Agility: Increases your Agility by 35 for 1 hour.

Elixir of Major Strength: Increases your Strength by 35 for 1 hour.

Elixir of Major Defense: Increases armor by 550 for 1 hour.

Elixir of Major Firepower: Increases fire spell damage by up to 65 for 1 hour.

Elixir of Major Mageblood: Regenerate 16 mana per 5 sec for 1 hour.

Insane Strength Potion: Increases your Strength by 120 and decreases your Defense Rating by 75 for 15 sec.

Elixir of Camouflage: Imbiber cannot be tracked for 1 hour.

Elixir of Healing Power: Increases the effects of healing spells that you cast by up to 50 for 1 hour.

Elixir of Major Frost Power: Increases frost spell damage by up to 55 for 1 hour.

Elixir of Major Shadow Power: Increases shadow spell damage by up to 65 for 1 hour.

Heroic Potion: Increases Strength by 70 and temporarily increases health by 700 for 15 sec.

Destruction Potion: Increases spell critical chance by 2% and spell damage by 120 for 15 sec.

Elixir of Empowerment: Decreases the magical resistances of your spell targets by 30 for 1 hour.

Ironshield Potion: Increases armor by 2500 for 2 min.

Sneaking Potion: Increases Stealth a great deal for 30 sec.

Shrouding Potion: Shrouds you from nearby enemies so you seem less threatening to them.

Super Healing Potion: Restores 1500-2500 health.

Super Mana Potion: Restores 1800-3000 mana.

Haste Potion - Increases Haste Rating by 400 for 15 sec.

Elixir of Dodging

Elixir of the Searching Eye


Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow

Transmute: Primal Earth to Life

Transmute: Primal Earth to Water

Transmute: Primal Fire to Earth

Transmute: Primal Fire to Mana

Transmute: Primal Life to Earth

Transmute: Primal Mana to Fire

Transmute: Primal Shadow to Water

Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow

Transmute: Primal Air to Fire

Transmute: Primal Water to Air

Transmute: Primal Might




Hey Joesf, WTS [insane Strength Potion: Increases your Strength by 120 and decreases your Defense Rating by 75 for 15 sec. ]

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Schematic: Crashin' Thrashin' Robot


hehe, can't wait to see Hin with one of these

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