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You win some, and you lose some.....

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I'd like to bid FP farewell! I had a great time with you all! Whisper me if you need a priest!


People need to understand that sometimes you do stupid things. I've had my Ace ninja'd from me, out rolled from me, and everything else from me for the past 8 months. 8 months! The people in the group didn't even know what the card was for, so I impulsive took it thinking "this isn't happening to me again". It was wrong, but theres nothing I can do about it now. If people were considerate, that would help us all to never have to be inconsiderate as well. But what's done is done, and can't be undone now.


However, I have been debating leaveing FP for reasons that involve raiding, as after I got hacked I was then demoted, and unable to regain my normal raid spot with this guild. FP just has too many priests, and I wasn't one of the lucky ones to go on 40 mans, even though myself and some others thought I deserved it.


So I bid you all farewell and good luck with your journey's through Azeroth. Im sure I will see you all again along the way.


Thanks for reading,





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rofl.....well.....i had originally planned this to be in a forum so the public eye couldnt see but someone.........NINJA'D my rights before i could......so.....i had to......shorten it up.....and put some dots in.......you know??

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I think you got the short end of the stick, to put it politely Volkv. You know it is very rare for me to post in these threads (this might even by my first time), so you know I mean it when I say I am sorry to see you go.

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I'm sorry man, I wish good luck in all your endeavors! I'll send you a tell for every Scarlet Strat I do!

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Thanks Guys.....

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