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zomg! so yah up here in Toronto we have a radio station called HTZ FM, 97.7 and they have this contest thing that they are doing for the next like month, where u submit four songs and if ur chosen they play them, and occasionally if the submitter included some sort of reason or explnation to the songs, the DJ talks about it before playing them. I submitted a bunch of songs and said they were to wish FP luck in facing the emps and to use as the soundtrack for our emps video when we down them (not that we have to, im just saying it wouldnt b a bad idea =P )


and so yah the contest is the fourplay at noon, on 97.7, u can listen to them at http://www.htzfm.com/ , starts at 12 noon (EST) every day monday - friday, tune in and hope FP gets picked =D


FYI if we get picked i win free lunch at hooters in niagra falls O_o

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