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My boss was watching Jeopardy last night and his wife had no Idea why the lerooy jenkins question was so funny. He called me first thing today to let me in on it, to funny. Heres a link to the video someone has up allready. Good to know our future leaders didn't know the answer. I guess it's been around a while but I had never seen it.


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those people are dumb they didn't know the answer.....


and since when are we role playing?

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in college and not playing wow fwah?

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Shame on them....with all that education and look what the system churns out!!



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OMG they actually said leeroy jenkins?!?!?! is he someone that I don't know ir is he just some black dude named leeroy? WTF why would they use that name?! hahaha to funny

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leeroy jenkins was a monk priest. well a well known religion guy. and a player called his paladin that name. theres probabaly more to the story maybe.




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  • 2 weeks later...

That is probably the only answer I would have got off that show, I suck unless they give me like 5 mins to look up the answers LOL

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