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I Hate You Guys


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Just came in to say hi to Stang ¨the man¨ miester and Enigmami (could be totally off on that spelling) smile.gif


And what do I see, you punks have caught up to Runehammer in AQ40. Hence the I hate you guys topic line.


Have you guys tried Naxx yet?


Anyway keep in touch, and you know if you ever want to leave this guild Stang, now with transfers up we always have a place for you :twisted:

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Hahahahaha....Stang leave? Good one Urdune! =P


Say hi to all those people I didn't really care for but pretended to!


And /hug to you, cause I really did like you.

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OMG Urdune!


HIHI! And yeah, we got Razuvious to 30% last night, so we're getting close! AND Why havnen't you dropped emps yet?! ZOMG?!



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Ouch enigami, remind me never to become your enemy smile.gif


We restructured our guild and took AQ out of the rotation for a bit. We used to have two seperate raids, one that was up to twin emps, farming BWL and had just dropped MC out of the rotation (3 days/week raiding), and another that was on chrom and farming mc (2 day raiding). When naxx came out we no longer had raid 1 and raid 2, and integrated the guild more. We put Naxx for 3 days week, which is pretty much what raid 1 was doing, and because we were having attendance issues with raid 2, opened up raid 1 to be able to go to BWL and MC. 5 weeks ago we put BWL on a one day farm status, and had one day of AQ and 2 weeks ago we took out MC from our rotation and put AQ for 2 days a week. So schedual looks like:






Fri: AQ20/ZG

Sat:BWL (and we sometimes do a no point pick up mc, everyone rolls on items thingy)



And we have a BWL or AQ prefered system where if you are prefered for an instance you get first dibs over someone who isn´t because of gear till 15mins before the raid, were we open it up. Naxx remains the exception, were we hand pick the best guys on to come, gear and performance, and you only maintain your Naxx pref. if you make 80% of the 3 raid days. This is our way of solving the many needs of the casual/hardcore players we have in our guild, and to integrate the guild more.


We got Raz, Anub, and Noth down and Grand Widow looks like she may be going down soon.


DPS sounds to be the problem, so this may bring a resurgance in AQ to try and push to get more DPS.


Funny how things changed, one minute your killing Rag before he spawns sons, and laughing at how your DPS gods, and next you need more DPS for the new instance.


And hey loofa, didn´t know you were here as well.

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Hey Urdune, I remember u helped me do some lowbie 5 man instancee way back in the day before I was even 60. I remember being like "wow, that dude is badass, being 60 and all" lol.


Hooray for a really good pally if I remember correctly smile.gif

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