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Congratulations JRV.  


I still remember those days of horde pwnage in Gadgetzan before the goblin's nets patch and also remember your invitation to SCU when we randomly met in AB.


Keep rocking and /cheer,




Sorry it took me awhile to respond to ya Omarus, but I sure do remember fighting with you in Gadgetzan. I think you were still around level 50 the first time we went after some horde out there. Even at that level you were a very good healer. It sure was fun though as I remember. It did suck when the Carebear Police showed up and gave the guards nets. That was just another kick in the groin to folks who used to enjoy doing world PvP. Blizzard has done everything they can to absolutely ruin it by doing retarded stuff like that.


You're a darn good priest by the way. Had a bunch of fun having you in groups in AB. I don't think you're in Lawl Patrol anymore, but I enjoyed getting you, Kensoft, and Tetarean in groups when I was leading the Fun Runs.

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The fact is that I got bored with PvE content due to I hadn't anyhting to prove and achieve myself in PvE enviroment plus the incompatibility of my RL and Lawl schedules.


I was thinking quiting the game, but decided to try some PvP content before, so I joined Puppies: organized, non-scheduled, no painful mats farming days (holy healer specced and geared priest's DPS FTL). Now that I have hit rank 11 and therefore, have proven myself I can give my best in PvP groups, I decided to quit WoW. This game doesn't have anything to challenge me anymore.


A few of my last words will be to you : Thanks to you for be my first group PvP inspiration.

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Well Omarus it'll suck to see ya go, but I understand why you've made your decision. A lot of folks I PvPed with have come to the same conclusion that you have about this game. It'd be cool if you kept your account active so you could log in every once in a while to play. I'm more than sure the people who have PvPed with you would be more than happy to see you out there every now and then. smile.gif


I'm glad I could help get you into group PvP. I always tried to get you in when you weren't raiding because I knew that was one healer slot that would be filled by someone who knew what they were doing.


Are you going to give the new games like Darkfall or Warhammer a try when they go retail eventually? I hear the PvP on both games looks far more promising than what Blizzard gave PvPers. If you do try or find another game that looks promising PvP-wise let me know and I'll give it a try with you.

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Sorry it took me so long to find you but I finally did.


Congrats on reaching GM. I know that it was a tough road but you did it. Glad I could help out a little bit.


Thanks for allowing me to PvP with you and the SCU group back in June and July. It was some of the best fun I had in the game.


Hope you're still playing and having fun when I come back in a week or two.


Phacias, your reliable lumbermill paladin.

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