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Since I have the midnight to 0800 watch I have alot of free time to think stuff up. So I thought up a story, remember its just that. No insults intended just meant to be fun.


The Forgotten Prophets Hunter Mafia had been out of sight and mind for a long time. But w/ anything that is forgotten it springs up very quickly and w/out warning. The Hunter Mafia had gone through a few Godfathers recently, Loofa was the kind ready to work out the issue w/ you kind of leader but he passed away suddenly, and it goes w/out saying the Hunter Mafia moved into a new age. Garnok was chosen to lead the Hunters and did very well, moving more assets and hard cash into the mafia which needless to say made everyone happy. He mystersly dissapeared and it was rumored when to the mage clan but it was never confirmed. With the abesence of a Godfather things went in chaos quickly. One of the more quiet in public but very outspoken in private members stepped up untill a full time replacment could be found. Reinhard stepped up and took the riens, this made some happy others very worried. Those who knew him knew he would rule w/ an Iron fist and this made the Big Three nervous. During his short time he moved up Youko and Ramoot to made men.


During his short rien a small issue came up w/ the holy pally's...Reinhard called a meeting for two night from that point to "disscuss" the issue w/ the Priest's. The Hunter Mafia did the right thing and informed The Big Three Gynis, Gryph, and Stangmeister and they agreed to be there. The night arrived and FP came into the meeting hall and infront of all of them was the whole of the Hunter Mafia. Reinhard sat somewhere in the midst of them. Cc one of the oldest members called the meeting to order and read the issues. It was brought up under good authority that the priests were the reason for the dissapearence of our beloved Loofa. Everyone started talking asking why, and some were yelling it couldn't be true that priests were holy and would never knock off someone. Reinhard and the rest of the Hunter Mafia were not convinced. The priest weren't saying much just mulling it over and coming up w/ a response and compramise


Just about then it became silent as Valdez came up and stood infront of the Mafia. W/ an arrogent look and tone stating...."And what if they did?" Reinhard just glanced at Miz "The Butcher" and Miz calmly walked up to Valdez. Dez smugly looked down at Miz and asked "And what do you plan on doing?" Miz suddenly grab ahold of Valdez and tossed him off the 5 story balcaney and yelled "Bubble out of that Pally!"


Reinhard asked "Anyone want to talk?"


----Once I think of more I'll write it---- hope you guys enjoyed it. Remember no insult intended.



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man miz, i'll be sure to say hi to you from now on right away /nervous-laugh

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The lore forums arent so lonely anymore. Userpers all of you!!! There will be no regicide today!


Go on reinhard.

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Lol props to you Reinhard =p You gotta add something about me being the new recruit to it =p

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This story is complete fiction. There is no such thing as the Hunter Mafia. My brother tends to get a bit loopy when on watch.


On another note, should you ever wake up in bed with a decapitated horse's head, let me know. You will owe me a favor, but I can ensure that it will not happen again.

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