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See ya guys around it was fun being with ya i guess my honesty level is too high for some people but i dont mind it. i am fine by ur decisions.


Anyways i hope to play with yall if i get a chance.


Nomad. biggrin.gif

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im no longer in teh clan......


Honestly thou i dont think allied clan mmbers should matter as much as own clan members. but i guess everyone has a different view on things.





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I love cryptic goodbyes hehe.

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Given a choice between letting one member go, and having a pissed off alliance and a number of very irked members, I'll let the one member go. That's where our views differ. Of course it doesn't help that you choose another guild over us, that was really the final nail in the coffin.


When solving people problems, I find it's best to remove the most disruptive person from teh mix and the problem usually fixes itself.

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Our officers and brothers-in-arms have gotten us this far, Nomad, I think they know what they're doing by now...

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i am a little confused. isn't this just an example of what the probation system is all about, which was pointed out to me by a councilor?

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To clear this up for those of you who have questions, this was a matter of probation being used to figure out logical fits for FP. Not everyone who applies will fit seamlessly into what the officers have outlined as the end goal for the guild, that being a group of players who play well together, contribute to the group, respect authority positions, and mesh well with current members and allies.


Nomad has clear ideas and definitive opinions. We chose to look at not the opinions themselves, but the forum in which they were put forth. In this case, we felt the way they were delivered was inappropriate. Nomad is a talented player, and I'm sure he'll find a home in a great guild. At this stage, we take into consideration a multi-tude of factors. Let's make no mistake: Nomad's desire to issue a negative opinion in a public forum of a key ally was one of those considerations, but not the only one.


It is, in fact, Probation. Not, 2 weeks of a random title till we automatically promote. We do our best to give any applicant a reason for their denial, if it isn't abundantly clear, and also discuss any behavior that will lead to a denial, if we feel like it is merely a misunderstanding of conduct codes. Nomad seems to understand our logic in this decision regarding his inclusion, even if he disagrees with the decision itself.


Trust me, we want to bulk up our numbers to do full guild only raids someday, but none of us are willing to jeapordize the stability of the guild to achieve that end quickly. If you have additional questions on our recruitment policies or on what we consider as grounds for dismissal, please view Kopi's post or message a guild officer. I believe the roster is up to date with names.

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Well put Gynis...


Also...I would like make clear...this was NOT a personal attack on Nomad...as personally, nobody has ANY issues with him.


This also was NOT based on one single incident, nor was it a snap decision based on the judgement of one person.


This was very well thought out and agreed upon...


there IS a method to FP's madness smile.gif


If any member's feel like they are in the dark as to this decision, or ANY other decision for that matter, I think that I speak for all the councilors and officers when I say, feel free to PM any of us, and we will gladly explain smile.gif


nobody harbors any hard feelings towards Nomad...none at all..

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I think if you repeat a few more times that we don't have any ill will to nomad, they'll believe it for sure tongue.gif

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hahaha.. hey i never said ne of u guys were ill willed towards me... i am just the kind of a player where i put forth what i feell.... And as i mentioned above im very kool with ur decision.


Much love to Gynis and Ceridia tongue.gif






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