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This is the Trailer for the Movie Synch and I were shooting on Friday Night, and have been working on for a while. Pete you can see clearly in the trailer, he is the creepy one with the paintball mask on, you can only really, see my back my hands, and my legs in the trailer though.


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Last summer I worked in a bakery. Every morning at 4am I had to drag my arse outta bed and go to work, whether I'd had a lot of sleep or not. Most often-- not. Jasen, the producer and I would always joke around about the muffin supply at work. Everyone was obsessed with the muffins. Bloody muffins! My boss, all my coworkers, the customers-- managers from other departments! "I think we need more choc chip muffins out there." me- "dammit" To make the muffins you scooped them-- one at a time into these giant tins then threw them in the oven. They took like 30min to bake, and always messed up my morning baking routine.


So one morning I said, "Dammit, I'm gonna kill the next person who gives me crap about those muffins." Jasen looks at me and says something about knives and chloroform (chloroform the universal inside joke with me) And I look at the muffin with Lemon Cranberry muffin mix in it and an idea pops into my head. "NO! I'm gonna beat them to death with this muffin scoop!"


My brother and Jasen were trying to film a movie that summer. I looked at some of their footage and saw a bunch of random scenes. Oh the scenes were funny, but they needed some cohesion! So for a week I continued working. (scooping muffins all day long) Jasen and I would collaborate during my work shift and we formed a new idea for their movie..."The Scoop". A serial killer who used a scoop to kill people. Haha simple concept eh?


Both The Scoop 0.5 and 1.0 were filmed in one day, and they were plenty of fun to do too. Grif and I will post the finished video when its edited and uploaded. Its a very intense action thriller which I like to pitch to people as "Maid in Manhatten meets Godzilla, meets Hostel".

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I saw the name of the thread and thought you meant this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0457513/


haha. im proly gonna see that this weekend.


anywho, nice trailer. Indy movies are ftw. hope you had/have fun making the movie and get to make more if that's what you like to do. :- )

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Here's the final version, edited and all that. I'm the serial killer, Grif's the renegade cop. The others are friends who frown upon my WoW habits tongue.gif

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Couldn't find the edit button sad.gif Warning, coarse language-- oh and the opening scene is my friend driving around my town. The town's mainstreet is hardcoreily kept like and "olde" downtown core by our mayor and councilmen-- so its interesting to watch. Oh, and the movie kicks arse!

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