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What tricks do the new races have?


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I know the blood elves racial abilities were already mentioned. Some kind of AoE silience and some kind of mana drain thingy. What about the drenai? Has anyone seen any racials for them?










Is it dranei...or drenai...or drania..or drenia...or dreaeanraiaeania...or That thing hanging off that orc's axe.... or That blue object moving around the cave , that turns out to be a guildy we havent seen in awhile and does a drive by waving....

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I dont know what HoT means but the Draenei race will have an aura that benefits the party.



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Ok, cool. What would the Aura do?....Both the new races sound like they will have very good racial's, hopefully there will be an upgrade to some alliance ones.

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I think its a heal over time aura....so hunm..ya.... the HoT is an Aura. tongue.gif




Edit: I think they also have a MinControl/Fear resistance like Orcs have with Stuns.

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so as per standard, horde get the pvp racial, ally get pve...glad to see blizz isnt totally mixing things up...

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The aura is +1% to hit.



There is also a specific Heal Over Time spell that they can cast.


Something else along the lines of +5 to that new Gem profession, and some +5 resist I believe.

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