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Hey guys well thanks to Stricnyne for his post about the software he uses to make videos, I made my own. only problem is that trial only lets me take 30sec clips. I thought mabe everyone would like to see the life of a priest keeping track of 40 raid members and casting the right rank heals and not overhealing. Good thing i wrote a script to do most of that for me. It is still a work in progress but so far looks good.


If you look at the bottom center you will see my action bar where i keep pressing the same button.


In the lower right chat frame you will see when my script tells me it cancels casting so i don't overheal.


then at the end of the video you will see how much i heal for just the nef fight. Keep in mind that is with being the only dwarf to fearward.


Also the healing monitor may not have seen all the healing everyone else did but it gives you an idea.


The purpose of this video is not to call anyone out or anything like that. It is just to show everyone a different style of playing and how much scripts can help your game.





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Does your script prioritize certain classes? What happens when the tank gets crit when you're in the middle of topping somebody else off?


Edit: And can you write one for a druid ? xD

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Right now it is strictly the unit with the lowest health percent in range. then checks the amount of health missing and picks a rank. I’m not sure if you can see but I have one button for all the ranks of heal , one for greater heal, and one for flash heal. I watch the emergence monitor to switch what I’m using.


the problem is at what point do you stop healing one unit to heal another? you have to worry about the case where two units exchange health positions so much you never get a heal off or if you stop healing one to heal the other and you don't make it in time and they both die.


To make this script usable for all i have to finish looking at that forecast add-on so everyone is not casting on the same unit with the lowest percent health.


The goal is not the make the script perfect but better then i can play the game. If i spent all my time making it perfect then i would never get to raid and would probable be stuck as a herald forever smile.gif

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Valros, I'm waiting for you to incorperate the Lego midstorm kit like he did with SWG.

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I watched it, and it looks pretty awesome.


Just a question though, will it target the person with the lowest health regardless? Sometimes you have to let the rogues die to keep the MT up. Or other warriors or mages or whatever. But for fights where none takes any damage other than the MT's, i can see how this would be cool.


It finds the person with the lowest amount of HP and casts the appropriate rank of heal on them? Pretty cool, but HAX! Keep up the good work man! =P

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Sometimes you have to let the rogues die to keep the MT up.


I call shenanigans! Come on Stang, just say it. You hate us all. I know I know. I used to be the same with my druid, then I switched to the dark side. Come to the dark side Stang, then order the priests to keep us up at all costs. Except Fetch, he can die.

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Just a question though, will it target the person with the lowest health regardless? Sometimes you have to let the rogues die to keep the MT up. Or other warriors or mages or whatever. But for fights where none takes any damage other than the MT's, i can see how this would be cool.  


I really have not noticed that being a problem. Or at least one i could fix by playing the game without a script. It seems like most of our priest do a great job focusing on the MTs and i fall into the role of a support healer.


It is really just a matter of how much damage a warrior could take in the 2.5 - 1.5 seconds I’m casting on the rogue plus the 2.5 - 1.5 I am casting on them(5 sec max)? Most of the time a warrior with 75% health will live long enoff for me to cast on a rogue at 70% then heal the warrior if someone else didn't pick them up.


But it is a good question i would like to know how much dps a MT takes in some of these boss fights.

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