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I just bought my second computer 2 days ago, and spent 2,500 dollars, all of a sudden my ativirus comes up and keeps tellig me, that The C:: fileC:/documets and Settuigs/temp 5.dlb are ifected with the bloodhound virus.WE2. EP

Guys I have tried everythig to get rid of this thing I canot Quarantie it or delete, nothig is working, and is startig to destroy every thing.

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Im really sorry that I cant help you..


Try AVG and run a complete scan.? Run a scan with Ad-Aware? Im sure you did stuff like that. But I cant help you more. I never had big virus problems.


-Shu :/

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First check the symantec site for a specific fix for the bloodhound virus. They should have step by step instructions somewhere. If you can't find it, download and install AVG Free virus center and Ad-aware. Boot your computer into safe-mode and let both run a full (deep) scan. Hopefully that will take care of it.


EDIT: Since the computer is so new, I can't imagine you have a ton of essential data on it. Just reformat if you can't find a decent fix. If you don't know how to do this, find a friend that does.

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I think I might have to hire a Pro, because I tried those things and nothing is working Im so P,Oed I just got this dell, I dot even know how the virus got in, and I am way to blode to fix this myself :cry::cry:

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try looking for the file manually and then deleting it. Make sure the attributes are not set to read only. I f you cant find the file, go into view and allow hidden files and folders.

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Make sure you run your anti-virus programs with the option to restore turned off - the virus often hides in the restore partition and will not be fixed. I had a horrid virus that I could not get rid of for awhile . . . finally XoftSpy got it for me (and I run McAfee, AVG, Ad-Aware and NoAdware religiously).


You probably know more than I do about comps, but use HiJack This and get someone who can visually identify the problem for you.

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Honestly, I could spend the entire day typing a response on what you could try or do. But it would be much easier on vent. Lemme know when you have time and I can sit down and try to help you thru it.


I've actually been hit with Bloodhound a few times, but Symantec AV stopped\Quarentined it. Its typically not a serious threat.

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Thank you guys Ill try that, Ill have to set up vent so we can do that Josef biggrin.gif

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Joesf man im so tired I cat spell laugh.gif

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