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OK we were down 2/3 (horde) to 1/3 (us) and it looked bad... until we gave G2 the flag and kept an epic'd out priest and the whole damn team on defense with him.


A lone paladin on offense (probably not the best choice lol) and an hour and a half later? we win!


Good game Youko, G2, Synch, and all those pug's that helped out!



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such a good game, the horde just couldn't kill me with healer support, it was close once or twice but sheild wall + last stand = complete pwnage on the not dying front

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Ohoho, what a fun WSG it was. It was like a trainwreck, so horrible yet we couldn't look away. We had to keep playing biggrin.gif We found neverever and beat him down in the end smile.gif The 7man defense was absolutely awesome!

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