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you should remember him, if not brush up on your SC, now maybe its just me, but look at his face, he has what appears to be a mouth.


big deal? wait! yes it is, protoss dont have mouths, they communicate telepathiclly.


can someone clairify or add to this?

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He hum...can make..ehh...OMG CRIES THAT CONTROL THE LIVINGS!?



-Shu laugh.gif

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Wait... I just realized something... if Protoss don't have mouths... how/what do they eat?!

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they hum.... take the energies of food by their "hair"...


and drink with their hum...fingers.. ya ya..thats it.



-Shu laugh.gif

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they sustain themselves by psy energy. which is why you need pylons to make more units biggrin.gif

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they sustain themselves by psy energy. which is why you need pylons to make more units biggrin.gif


Makes sence.




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you just got that now lol n00bs.


Anyway, no one else notice aldaris has a mouth, or maybe know why?


(BTW the lore forum is mine, i completely owned loufas in RL, not even the forum mods can take me on in my own domain, they do not even read this place BUHAHAHAHA )

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actually, how bout' a sticky proclaiming me as lord of the lore forums.


(btw siege your a big SC guy, what do you think about this.)


[fade:cf248414a7]dammit, i forgot that teal meant forum mod, i thought it was red...[/fade:cf248414a7]

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So you were the lord of a barren wasteland? That's like being Emperor of Canadia! /zing


All that aside, he has a mouth because the people making the game kind'a forgot that he wasn't supposed to, and he's special. Or perhaps, assuming the protoss weren't always as psychically inclined as they are at the time the game takes place, he has a vestigial mouth. /shrug

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So you were the lord of a barren wasteland?




Anyway, i guess you could say that he was very ancient, or indeed, those who created the game forgot.


I can imagine the kids at school making fun of poor little aldaris


"HaHa you manipulate air through a passage in your throat to make sounds, what a freak!"

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