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Just some pics I took of some aoe farmage a couple buddies of mine and I did the other day in Azshara. This is why mages should never be allowed to get near high respawn rate areas :o)


Toward the end we just started pulling the entire camps at once after we got a good rhythm going hehe. Fun stuff!



Necrotic Rune: 1.1k

Invaders Scourgestone: 300

Corruptors Scourgestone: 20

Cash: 12g each

Spending a few hours with some good friends: Priceless



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I always wanted that hp/mana thingie around my character but I don't know which addon does that


GJ btw biggrin.gif

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I use AceHUD, and um... my netherwind crown is so leet that it's invisible!

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