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SO I have no info on this scourge invasion thingy... all I know... is it's undead, and Im a paladin... and I only have 1 epic (2 counting horsey) so if this invasion can lead me to more... than I must know!@!!!!!!1111




In other words, can anyone in the guild update me on whats goign on with this?




By the way


HELLO FP,ITS GOOD TO BE BACK!!!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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zomg WB!


the scourge invasion is either about to end or has already ended on skullcrusher... the invasion has already ended on other servers so uhm... you just missed out man.


basically, there were invasion hotspots throughout azeroth where there were non stop spawns of UD mobs around a rune. you could farm these guys for rep, necrotic runes (quest item to get rewards; repeatable) and cash.

killing these guys would dmg a rune and when its been damaged enough, technicians would spawn to repair it and if you talk to them with 8 necrotic runes on you, they'd turn into shades which are elites that are easily 3-5 mannable. These mobs would drop 30 necrotic runes each and hv chances to drop a BoP undead +atk power chest piece.


Basically, the invasion as well as a bunch of new quests at LHC are a huge incentive to boost your AD rep.

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Man it's a good time to be a pally. Lots of Undead to smite. MC is cake and almost everyone is geared out. So things like Coeus Getting 4-5 pieces of LB in one run are the norm. I swear that kid set a record with that.


Good to have you back man!

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It's great to be back, I heard it had already ended but I heard you can still kill those mobs for rep which is waht I need to do. I very badly want exalted with AD...not sure why though, haha.




and.... about a cool sig? where would one.... get one of those... who do I need to kil...hur..... I mean..... blackmai.... uhmm...*cough cough* I mean, talk to?

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Welcome back man! It's been way too long...


As for the sigs, you should probably contact Gynis... he makes the fancyiest looking ones. wink.gif

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Welcome back.... after many hours of grinding you can get epics fromt he scourges and other things... but I recommend just going to PC if your looking to add more purple smile.gif

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PC? ..... is this some new dungeon? or someones house??? does this person live close to me??? can I get their epics?? get I steal their stuff? could I take their house?, and from there start my own invasion.....?????



...... Iam waaaaaaaaaaay to lazy to do any of that.....



Or did you mean MC?


By the way, Hey Bentley!! Hey Siege!!

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