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Hey guys I had alot of fun on sat and I hope yall did too. Sorry it was so hot next time I have that many people over ill have to get another A/C unit. Anyway just though I should make a post. If you took pictures I guess you could put them here I really need to get a camera lol.

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It was awesome Rets, thanks for letting us crash at your place and drink all your sodas! It was a lot of fun and I hope we can all get together again sometime!

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i wanna hang out at rets house and play wow!

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ill post the couple pics I took after the raid.


Thanks again for having us over Rets. 64k honor and 3k AB rep is FTMFW

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zomg...... have another one in like 3 months XD

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Hell yeah, awesome time, thanks to all those that came =D (yes plumpy, that means you too, even if you did waste one of my DI's :wink:) Thanks again rets, here's to the next FP LAN. /cheer

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Ya the LAN party was awesome! Thanks again for having us!


Only lost 2 ABs, both of which were against a group in AQ40 sets\gear. Conqorer's plus TUB is sick, especially with 3 hunters on your back.


Plus we got things going good with a 70min AV win.


66k honor!


Plumpx... come to the darkside!

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First off was lunch. We had to start our AB pwnfest on a full stomach!





The room in Ret's basement were we pwn stuff at lans.









psst... checkout Joesf copping a feel on Usagi on the right





Beefca..errr.. Ratava getting cuddly with Dinias' dog.





On the left, Hinanin's Epic monitor. On the right, Shiki's green one.




Some screenshots from the pwnathon



A few of our 5 caps.







The second poor schmuck of the night to be MC'd and DI'd by Plumpx and Kaslor. (The first was some guy from Unforgiven Prophets hehe)

this guy actually AFK'd out because he had no idea what was going on. Stupid horde.





And of course, our Zaxby's raid!!!!! zomg chicken



mmm zaxby's....





Shiki Duel Wielding chicken fingers!





Joesf doing lord knows what with a french fry and Usagi pretending she doesn't know him.







This picture was hanging over Vanin. Shiki couldn't take his eyes off it. His, uhh.. well, ya know. Shiki was captivated.





And the group shot at the end of our succesfull raid.



From the left: Realdirty (tweeking Kaslor's nipple), Bairdreen, Retsnimle, Kaslor, Shimaru (in the back... were rogues always hide), Ratava, Plumpx (Dwarf in the front. A priest from WBC), Valros (very back), Vanin (getting friendly with "his little gentleman" aka Plumpx), H to the V to the ilelos, Sentience, Usagimidori, Joesf, and Hinanin (amazed by Joesf's gunz).


And the phat lewtz from the raid!



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man that's awesome i'm moving to GA that's where all teh fun happens. looks like i better move over there's a new dorf priest in town.

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OOO SO MUCH FUN! I wanna play at a lan. or hell I could hosty one :-( have a huge living room.. hmmm that looked fun guys :-D


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QFT Ghost... I'll have my new company car by the next time and we'll be set... Let us know next time... me and ghost will be thar!

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55g!? I don't remember getting any of that…Hykos!! I smell..a ninja!

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Hopefully I will be 60 for the next one so there can be a little bit of battle of the monitors with Hin wink.gif

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Thx for letting us come over Eric, I had a lot of fun as did everyone else. We'll definetly have to plan this again in the near future =-D




Shiki is afflicted by TM...not trademarked...but...



Of course if when we do have another LAN I dont think i can set up next to Hin and his 243098246 inch monitor. Thanks to him I now have TMS (Tinny Monitor Syndrome)

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